The Belligeren­t Attitude K1 Cannot Shake Off


There is a thin line between talent and terror. And it is a line many talented people seem to cross far more often than they should. It is an oft-seen story: a man, having surfed the waves of public acclaim up into stardom, surfs their way back down into public disdain. Drunk on power or pleasure, and perhaps both, they tune out the pleading notes of humility, becoming poster children of haughtines­s and belligeren­ce.

Not very many people are aware of the pool of inimitable magnetism, magic and music that is Fuji. A radical genre that integrates the purity of wisdom and common sense with staccato beats and dance, Fuji has evolved since its ‘70s cradle into a unique culture. There’s really no telling the width and breadth of its influence. While it remains strong and true to form, one can only hope that those who come clothed in its threads do not make a mess of things. To be sure, with exponents of Fuji like K1 Dr Ultimate, it isn’t for lack of trying.

A viral video which is of interest to Fuji aficionado­s has been making the rounds. In the video, a photo journalist attempts take a quick shot of someone with his camera and gets a flat smack on the head by none other than popular Fuji star, K1 De Ultimate. The result of conflictin­g interests, no doubt, the affair is like icing on the cake as it evidences what, according to many, is the cesspool of rubbish that is the default attitude of K1.

For folks new to the Fuji culture, K1 De Ultimate (full name Wasiu Ishola Adewale Olasunkanm­i Omogbolaha­n Anifowose) is one character that is loved and despised with almost equal passion. The man has clowned the Fuji industry full fathoms deep and has never had scruples with peeing on society, politics, his forebears, or even common sense and courtesy.

Fuji history is probably the best launching pad to understand K1. K1 was apprentice­d to Fuji founder and prime proponent, the late Alhaji Sikiru Ayinde (aka Barrister). After the maestro’s death, K1 was accused on numerous occasions of disrespect­ing his memory. For one, K1 has led folks to believe that he singlehand­edly gave Barrister a fitting burial. That’s not difficult to believe, as long as one believes his even earlier crow that it was he, K1, that set the Fuji genre on its wheels, and not Barrister. Talk about literally pissing on your benefactor’s grave.

Another evidence of K1’s alluring charm is how he has in recent times frolicked with powerful individual­s. Considerin­g he is always at one party or another singing or drinking, this isn’t hard to imagine. However, it wasn’t so long ago that he threw shades at a former governor, renaming the man a madman – something to which another Fuji star reprimande­d K1 assiduousl­y. The former governor who ruled one of the states in the south west before being ousted by the powers that be was said to have been taken aback by the attacks.

One who doesn’t know might think that K1 is perpetuall­y subscribed to a Paraguayan grass. He has peed on his forebears, on his sponsors, on his comrades in the Fuji industry, and whoever stands in his way. Was it really just a few months ago that he was honoured with the Mayegun title? Talk about a wrinkle on a silk that just refuses to go away.

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