Who is After Otunba Lekan Osifeso?


One, two, three, four, five: once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten: then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so... This nursery rhyme might just be the most appropriat­e way to start from the very beginning of Otunba Lekan Osifeso’s presence at the precipice of affairs, on feet in the air and the other on a fresh banana peel.

Some would say that the landslide that is right behind Otunba Osifeso was born alongside his success and accomplish­ments. This is born out of the belief that all misfortune­s are just expired fortunes, and because one man chooses to brave the brow of the mountain, he must be open to grazing at its feet.

Otunba Lekan Osifeso has had his pot of wins from when he outshone his fellows in the corporate jungle with evidence after evidence of vast business intellect, a happy attitude, engaging persona, and confident charm. Like a shark in his prime, he had sharks for dinner and smooched electric eels on his way out. A complete boss man, his Lekai Constructi­on company drank directly from his brilliance and grew fat on his genius.

He was also not a slacker in social circles – his fiery cool had no place for that. I’m fact, it should be said that Osifeso rode the waves of high society much the same way as he did business – with a spark like no other. And then there were friends in high places, one of whom was Obafemi Hamzat, the Deputy Governor of Lagos State.

Business guru, check. Successful socialite, check. On his way to Calvary, check. How did that last one come about? Name-dropping.

Osifeso is known to have participat­ed in no small way in the campaign efforts that saw the Sanwo-Olu government – with Femi Hamzat as co-pilot – take off. But that is apparently not a flyer to hold out to everyone.

It has been alleged that certain jefes of the Lagos State polity are not smiling at Osifeso’s show of associatio­n. Fast forward a few side glances and head shakes, and Osifeso is found at the precipice, riding waste and wind and not at all as cool as the old days.

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