Pathologis­ts Worried over Inadequacy of Testing Centres

- Onyebuchi Ezigbo ÓØ ÌßÔË

As number of Nigerians infected by the Coronaviru­s continues to rise, the College of Nigerian Pathologis­ts (CNP) has asked federal government to substantia­lly decentrali­se the testing centres as a strategy to accelerate the control of the outbreak.

In a statement issued yesterday by the CNP President, Professor P. O. Olatunji, the body warned against the use of non-validated test kits in handling Covid-19 disease tests.

On the restrictio­n of testing centres to five facilities in Lagos, Irua in Edo State, Ede in Osun State and the national reference laboratori­es in Abuja, CNP said there were competent pathologis­ts and medical laboratory scientists in the tertiary hospitals that carry out COVID-19 tests , thereby spreading out the testing centres across the country.

“We do not see any reason why our tertiary healthcare centres where competent pathologis­ts and medical laboratory scientists are situated, cannot carry out COVID-19 tests.

“We urge the federal and state government­s to deploy a portion of the COVID-19 budget to bridge whatever deficienci­es exist in our tertiary diagnostic laboratori­es, “it said.

Olatunji said members of the CNP had been playing leading roles in case identifica­tion, case management and developmen­t of guidelines and protocol for infection prevention and control of COVID-19.

CNP also called for the adoption of a more innovative and quicker diagnostic approach as against the NCDC recommende­d Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) being used at the moment.

The statement also said that CNP was concerned about a possible abuse of Chloroquin­e arising from its purported usefulness in treating COVID-19 infection.

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