Christian Lawyers Call for Urgent Steps to Combat Spread

- John Shiklam in Kaduna

The Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria, (CLASFON) has urged government­s at all levels to do everything within their reach to prevent the spread of the Coronaviru­s disease now threatenin­g humanity throughout the world.

It also asked Nigerians to cooperate with government to stop the spread of the disease from spreading across the country.

These were contained in a communique issued at the end of its quarterly meeting which held in Kaduna between March 12-14, 2020.

The group expressed deep concern about the global pandemic and called for urgent steps by government­s at all levels, to prevent the spread of the disease.

The communique was jointly signed by both the President of CLASFON, Mr. Arome Okwore and the National Secretary, Olatunji Omole and made available to THISDAY in Kaduna.

“CLASFON notes with grave concern, the evolving trend globally with regards to the Coronaviru­s, COVID-19, pandemic.

“We implore government­s at all levels to take proactive measures to contain the spread of the virus, and save the lives of those already infected,” the communique said.

The lawyers also called for prayers against the calamity from spreading further and killing more people across the globe.

According to them, the two-day meeting also, deliberate­d on the state of the nation, especially as it affects insecurity, persecutio­n of Christians, federal government’s policy on Boko Haram terrorists and interferen­ce with the Judiciary by the executive arm of government among others.

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