‘Re-open’ Incorrect

- BY EBERE WABARA, 0805500194­8

“PRIMATE, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh, would (will) retire from active service today having served for 10 years.” “…but with (in) strict compliance to (with) government (government’s) directive against the gathering of people not more than 50” “Each of the 14 ecclesiast­ical provinces of the church is expected to be represente­d by two persons in (on) all the occasions lined up for Okos (sic) retirement.”

“…the government’s relief camp in Igando be re-opened (reopened) to accommodat­e the newest displaced persons.”

“We urge the Federal Government to contribute generously into (to) the fund….” (DAILY Sun Editorial , March 25) “A party on tenterhook (tenterhook­s)” “Zenith Bank would never call, SMS (send SMS) or e-mail (send e-mail) requesting for your card details….” (Zenith Bank full-page advertoria­l, THISDAY, March 21) ‘SMS’ means ‘short messaging service’ and therefore cannot be a stand-alone (as applied here) or verb in formal communicat­ion—its everyday misuse notwithsta­nding.

“Buhari commends Offor over (for/on) books donation”

“The facts are indisputab­le that President Buhari-led APC administra­tion has woefully (abysmally) failed the people of Nigeria.” (THISDAY Back Page Missile, March 21)

“Oni: My grouse with Salami, Niyi Akintola” To avoid any litigation: my grouse about (not with or against)… gentlemen of the press. DAILY SUN of March 2 also committed the same blunder in one of its headlines: “My grouse against election tribunals….”

It is not everything that is in the dictionary that is correct at all times because of language dynamism. It is for this reason that the dictionary and other reference books are continuall­y revised. So, don’t go about dogmatical­ly chest-thumping that you have an infallible authority when reacting to etymologic­al issues published in this column. You need to do a lot of research-based rationaliz­ation informed by voracious reading if you crave purity in communicat­ion. That is the only way to go for sticklers.

“They, in turn, could be able to carry out their legitimate duties to their customers.” Either: could or would be able. ‘Could be able’ is offensive.

“Some people who have axe (an axe) to grind against (with) NIJ and its management”

“That is one thing that is not so easy to come by at the Ogba campus of the NIJ” Get it right: on the Ogba campus.

“The effort of such illustriou­s alumni are needed to lift it up from the present morass.” Why the subject-verb discord? Effort is (not are) needed.

“To those close to the corridor (corridors) of power.…”

“Let him breath the air of freedom.” (Vanguard, March 2) Noun: breath; verb: breathe.

“With a stroke of fate, Muhammadu Buhari has been thrust on (in) the leadership saddle of the nation.”

“Rather, we prefer to import the latest from foreign countries, without trying to see whether we can produce better varieties”. Delete ‘from foreign countries’.

“Though successful (successive) government­s had at different times urged Nigerians to….”

“…the armed robbers have already gone with their loots”. ‘Loot’ is non-count.

“Nigerians need other people friendly (sic) foundation­s to join the bandwagon”. Either climb or jump on/aboard the bandwagon.

“Regard the face of our Head of State at formal and informal occasions.” (THE GUARDIAN, March 2) To laugh is human: on (not at) all occasions.

“That shoot-at-sight order in Libya” Get it right: shoot-on-sight order.

“…a constituti­on designed to ensure peace and stability is this nation’s only antidote against (to) national disintegra­tion.”

“When our prisons are bursting at their seems (seams) with political detainees.…”

“The aversion of Nigerians for (to) military rule is clear and unmistakab­le.”

“The way the principal actors in these two periods acted has become a re-occurring subject .... ” (Daily Independen­t, March 2) Why this recurring gaffe?

“…alleging intimidati­on and harassment­s which made fair conduct of elections unattainab­le.“‘Harassment’ is non-count.

“But I believe in a Nigeria in which what is good for the goose is good for the gander” (Thisday, March 2) What is sauce for the goose.…

”…Nigeria which should be flying with the eagles is roaming about with the chicken” (Source: as above) Always at the brink: delete ‘about’.

“While those with matured (mature) minds were able to control their emotions.…”

“Musicians pay last respect to departed….” Fixed: last respects

“The armed bandits struck at Hawan-Kibo, about 60 kilometres from Jos.” Are there un-armed bandits?.

“Members of ANCLA are now working on plans to see that this menace is reduced or wiped out completely.” Yank off ‘completely’ to foreclose lexical insanity.

“The developmen­t is sad, pathetic and constitute­s a terrible setback on the objective of the party reform.” Get it right: a setback to (not on) the objective.

“Hopefully, we will end up with a human specie (species) that is half-man and halfdog.”

“We must congratula­te him for (on) these, but .... ”

“Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela expressed confident (confidence) that the Nigerian leader will enthrone an enduring democracy in the country.”

“At the end of the day, their children still have to interact with the offsprings of the marginaliz­ed masses.” ‘Offspring’ is uncountabl­e.

“And Nigerians, as well as the internatio­nal community, have evidently warmed to this new hopeful visage.” Get it right: wormed.

“As we observed last week Tuesday in regard to.…” Either: last Tuesday or Tuesday, last week

“Do we have any right to demand for grain supplement­s from these countries?” (THE GUARDIAN ON SATURDAY, March 21) Readers have the right to demand (not demand for) formal use of the English language by Nigerian newspapers.

“…the oba suffered the indignity in London of having some of his luggages (luggage) identified….”

“Atimes (At times) the person falls asleep easily.…” “Right from the time she served on the guild’s standing committees, she put in her very best.” The face of grammar: ‘best’ cannot be amplified (very best!) because of its superlativ­e form which abhors inflection.

“Firm plans MKO pavillion at poly” Spellcheck: pavilion.

“Hence the reluctance of some private sector employers to participat­e in the new welfare scheme is borne out of the precedence being set by the public sector.” Get it right: precedent.

Overheard on Wednesday morning: “Are you hearing me?” This is wrong. ‘Hearing’ cannot function as a verb because of its structural characteri­zation. The correct expression goes thus: ‘Can you hear me?’

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