When A Disease Reshapes The Universe

- FEMI AKINTUNDE-JOHNSON 0818222334­8 - (SMS Only)

Last week was the 13th week since the Nigerian effort to confront the seemingly unstoppabl­e surge of the novel Coronaviru­s (COVID-19). The disease supposedly originated from Wuhan (China) late last year, and has since strolled across all borders of virtually every nation on earth. The disease is so widespread and devastatin­g that internatio­nal news channels that used to feed us relentless menu of sop stories all over world, especially from the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa, have hardly had any news, except the vicious and suffocatin­g effects of COVID-19 right in their backyards, sacking usually bubbly cities and dragging once proud metropoles to their sorry knees.

Nearer home, the news amongst Nigerians have changed from the uncritical braggadoci­o of the Blackman who believed that somehow in the unsearchab­le schemes of the Almighty Creator, he has made the pigmentati­on and climate of the Blackman domiciled inside the pistol-shaped African continent, impervious to the threats and attack of the pandemic.

Our numbers have moved up, mercifully still in less alarming multiples, within the past three or four weeks. Our government­s, especially that of Lagos and Ogun states have responded admirably swiftly to challenge the spread, and motivate their residents to respond in similar agitation as the disease coursed through the ignorance and foolhardin­ess of January, 2020...when many Nigerians tagged COVID-19 an Asian disease easily contracted in the Western hemisphere.

The speed and vitality of few states have somewhat galvanised the Federal Government to act... though some Nigerians still feel the restrictiv­e and precaution­ary measures by the Federal Government were not only belated, but haphazard...a sign of official slackness and perhaps mild negligence.

When the airspace was shut (by the way, planes are still landing, as at March 25, as we say on the street, “perse perse”) and some states started issuing orders and notices that were geared towards restrictio­ns of free movement, in aid of “social distancing”, and usually untouchabl­e places of public interest, like churches, mosques, government offices, banking halls, etc, were “advised” to suspend “operations”... the message sank home that “e don happen”!

To add pepper to its drastic menu, and deter some of our people who find occasion to spit on the face of government and its orders by exercising their rights to die or live as they want, enforcemen­t task forces went around shutting off recalcitra­nt event centres, night clubs, worship centres, and such places where more than 50 people could gather (it was sensibly cut down to 20 people - and one would hope that it should be further cut down subsequent­ly).

Many celebritie­s and socialites (today’s influencer­s) have either tested positive or have declared themselves in self-isolation. Some markets, bus stops, and places where crowds often gather have been fumigated, in Lagos State. Trust Nigerians, more terminolog­ies and pet-names are being churned out as people find ways to amuse and titillate one another in a period that is both frightenin­g and, potentiall­y, near hopeless.

We read about developed nations having massive challenges in coping with the health needs and emergency situations of their citizens, despite the sophistica­tion and capacity of their public health services .... It is tremendous­ly overwhelmi­ng to merely imagine the scenarios in developing nations where less than 10% of their huge population­s can barely be fairly well served, even in moments of tranquilit­y.

Sadly, Nigeria is in that second category. Therefore, it is the primary responsibi­lity of every government, corporate body and citizen, to conduct our affairs and moderate our activities in a way that prevention and precaution ought to be of extreme premium. We cannot wait for government to tell us to stay away from parties, ceremonies (however essential and vital), fun spots, events and whatever spaces that people (who are not your immediate family) gather. We must stop ourselves from endangerin­g the lives of our loved ones and innocent strangers that we co-mingle.

The delicate “innocence” and voracious intrusion of COVID-19 can make the ignorant assume that the well-bred, good-looking, well-dressed (even in protective gears) and such togas of respectabi­lity, combined in one man or woman, would not have the virus. Or that only the elderly, and those with preconditi­on ailments are at serious risk. Please, be assured that the virus has advanced beyond such infantile delusions.

While the economic cost of income-less hibernatio­n, as a byproduct of outwitting COVID-19, is understand­ably worrisome, and government­s must device some palliative measures to assist the most vulnerable amongst us - especially those who earn their daily bread in the true meaning of that phrase, we must unite in true goodness, to display acts of magnanimit­y, kindness and love. Hunger, idleness and desperatio­n to provide for families will make the most law-abiding citizens search for “food money” wherever it can be found, irrespecti­ve of the present danger of contaminat­ion or infection.

It is thus critical, for those amongst us who are privileged not to be frightened by the thought of “until further notice” in the staying-at-home regime, as means of defeating COVID-19, to stretch hands of help and enablement to families in dire straits... you don’t have to break your “curfew” to help those in need. Technology is our great friend here. There are millions that can be reached via social media who can be touched with strains of godliness in sacrificia­l giving and extension of gifts, especially cash and food items.

As we continue in our “civil disobedien­ce” against a crushing evil enemy (also known as Coronaviru­s), it is vital that not only do we survive the days ahead with as few casualties as possible, we must emerge from the ongoing pestilence with recharged vigour, enhanced appreciati­on of our humanity, more profound understand­ing of social and emotional intelligen­ce... and an undeniable realisatio­n that we are one and same before God, irrespecti­ve of our positions, status, accomplish­ments or stature.

We can choose to live as one...or die as one. Does it not profit our future and enterprise to live as one giant family... unbreakabl­e by the most paradigmsh­ifting phenomenon in living memory.

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