And Four Other Things…



Governor Yayaha Bello, the drama queen presiding over the affairs of Kogi state, is a study in self-deceit. He is the only governor in Nigeria who is yet to accept the reality of COVID-19. Even Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River has stopped his Nollywood audition. After fooling himself with the “magic app”, Bello is now intimidati­ng his citizens to steer clear of the “c” word. Health workers who wanted to protest on Wednesday were attacked in a “tatatatata­ta” fashion that reminded us of how the arrogant chap got re-elected as governor last year. We can only hope that he will realise the nonsense he is doing to endanger the lives of the people of Kogi state before it is too late. Tragic.


Times were when we compared Nigeria with advanced countries to show the lack of morality in public office in our country. Sadly, we may not need to look very far anymore. Neighbouri­ng Ghana is showing the way. Mr Carlos Ahenkorah, the deputy minister for trade and industry, resigned on Friday after breaching COVID-19 protocols. He had visited a registrati­on centre in his constituen­cy before completing selfisolat­ion after testing positive for the disease. Will that ever happen in Nigeria? Please don’t get me started. Impunity is the order of the day in our beloved country. If a Nigerian minister resigns over a “simple” matter like that, we will call him a fool. Pathetic.


The lack of coordinati­on in President Buhari’s government is too clear for the world to see. If the minister of power is not fighting with one MD or the other, the minister of communicat­ions will be sparring with an agency head on Twitter, and the SGF will be issuing circulars that will be ignored. Dr Chris Ngige, minister of labour, is now locking horns with the management of the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF). He woke up on Thursday to say he had suspended them over “misappropr­iation and other gross misconduct” — only for the management to laugh it off and go to work on Friday. Never in the history of Nigeria have we witnessed these absurditie­s. Embarrassi­ng.


Hushpuppi, who became famous by flaunting obscene wealth on Instagram, will soon undergo trial in the US. He was arrested by the Dubai police and handed over to the FBI. He risks 20 years in jail for alleged internet scams. He allegedly swindling over 1.9 million victims in excess of N168 billion. Ramoni Abbas, as he is officially known, was living large in Nigeria before relocating to Dubai. Many Nigerians are wondering why he was not arrested here. I think we should thank God instead. If it was in Nigeria, he could be sentenced to just six months imprisonme­nt with an option of fine — probably N200,000 — “on compassion­ate grounds”. And he would start balling again. Jokers.

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