Aruna Quadri’s Arrival in Germany Sparks Interests in T’Tennis Bundesliga


The organisers of the elite table tennis league in Germany, Table Tennis Bundesliga (TTBL) have said that the arrival of Nigerian star Aruna Quadri has increased interests in the league by Germans.

The Nigerian will be making his debut on Sunday, September 6for his club - TTC RhönSprude­l Fulda-Maberzell away to TSV Bad Königshofe­n and there have been excitement in Germany over Quadri’s arrival

According to the spokespers­on of TTBL, Patrick Wichmann, Quadri’s transfer has attracted the attention of table tennis fans in Germany.

“We are very happy to have Quadri in the TTBL. As a league, we have felt the national interest that the transfer has attracted, but of course also the internatio­nal media response.

“Quadri is a worldwide table tennis brand. Therefore we are very happy to have him in the TTBL and are looking forward to his debut on Sunday September 6. “In TTC RhönSprude­l Fulda-Maberzell he had to replace Croatia’s Tomislav Pucar, who played two seasons with the team. Now it will be exciting to see how fast Quadri gets used to the level in the strongest league in Europe,” Wichmann stressed.

Also in the preview of the league scheduled to kick-off this weekend, TTBL described Quadri as an exciting player that Germans are looking forward to watching him play against the best in the league.

“The fact that the TTBL is considered the strongest league in Europe is due to the numerous top stars who appear at the tables year after year. The fans can look forward to one or the other new face in the new season.

“One of the most exciting transfers was made by the TTC RhönSprude­l FuldaMaber­zell, which ranks 20th in the world with Quadri Aruna. The Nigerian will appear for the first time in the TTBL and should compensate for the departure of Tomislav Pucar,” the statement said.

 ??  ?? Victor Osimhen (left) looking forward to his first game in the Italian Serie A this weekend
Victor Osimhen (left) looking forward to his first game in the Italian Serie A this weekend
 ??  ?? Aruna Quadri...switched to the German league last month
Aruna Quadri...switched to the German league last month

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