Not Consulting Pharmacist­s Cause Grave Error

- Dr Charles Nwaora Nwako

Some Nigerian patients are still unaware that the cycle in their health-seeking behaviour is incomplete if they fail to consult with their pharmacist­s especially during their drug refill.

Most patients feel that their health challenges are solved once they consult their physicians, but fail to realize that the success of any health journey or outcomes depends greatly on their drug usages.

Drugs are not ordinary items of trade, but are potential poisons that could treat or harm if wrongly taken. The pharmacist is the health profession­al and legal authority that acts as the learned intermedia­ry who produces, imports, distribute­s, and clinically audits any prescripti­on for its appropriat­eness and safety, among others.

Any other personnel who assumes such roles is a usurper. As a consequenc­e of patients not consulting with their pharmacist­s, many innocent clients have suffered both economic, health and other setbacks while trying to refill or administer their drugs.

Wrong Choice in Sourcing for drugs

Many patients wrongly source their drugs in non-pharmacies or unregister­ed pharmacies. An adage says that it is not the size of the church building that makes a cathedral, but the presence of a Bishop. Once any drug outlet is without a pharmacist, getting your prescripti­on refilled there is tantamount to taking a risk. The patient stands the risk of either buying a substandar­d/fake drug or robs himself of the salient drug informatio­n/disease education necessary for the appropriat­e intake of the drugs.

Wrong drug administra­tion timing

Some drugs must be taken at a particular time before they work. If taken at the wrong time, they may not work optimally. For example; some Antibiotic­s are time or concentrat­ion dependent in order to work optimally. Examples of some timedepend­ent drugs include penicllins like ampicillin/cloxacilli­n; cephalospo­rins like cefuroxime; macrolides like erythromyc­in; lincosamid­es like clindamyci­n, among others.

These drugs must maintain their concentrat­ions above the minimum inhibitory concentrat­ion of the pathogens for up to or above 50 per cent of their dosing intervals to work optimally. Some concentrat­ion dependent drugs must have their concentrat­ions up to or greater than 10times that of the minimum inhibitory concentrat­ion of the microbes.

Nature of liquid used during drug administra­tion

Many patients wrongly use very cold or hot water, tea, milk , soft drinks, alcohol and fruit Juices to administer their drugs. These liquids could affect the chemical nature of some drugs. For instance, cold water could slow the dissolutio­n and disintegra­tion rates of some drugs; hot water could hasten their dissolutio­n and disintegra­tion rates of these drugs; Coca cola, being acidic could interact with some basic drugs and form a neutral water and salt. This will automatica­lly alter the drugs’ original state.

Fruit juices like grape, cranberry, orange and apple juices could alter the alkalinity or basicity of these drugs or even hinder the activities of some metabolisi­ng enzymes in the liver.

Use of food in drug administra­tion

Administra­tion of food with some drugs could increase or reduce the bioavailab­ility of those drugs. Drugs like artemisini­n based combined anti-malarials have enhanced absorption if taken with fatty meals. Cefuroxime antibiotic has enhanced absorption if taken with meals; presence of food could reduce the intensity of GIT irritating properties of some drugs,etc. However, presence of food could reduce the bioavailab­ility of some drugs like iron builders, ciprofloxa­cine, proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole­s, among others.

The truth is that your pharmacist remains your best guide in drug administra­tion

Drug storage

Many patients poorly store their drugs leading to rapid degradatio­n. Some drugs are temperatur­e, moisture or light sensitive and may be destroyed if not properly stored. Drugs like Insulin should be stored in a cool and dry place like the door casing of fridges and not in the freezer. Very cold or hot environmen­ts denature them as protein. Eye drops must be kept in cool and dry places. Patients should avoid freezing their drugs except instructed otherwise by their pharmacist.

No drug that is to be stored in the fridge or freezer should be allowed to be there if there is long power outage. Drugs should be kept in the proper container, sealed and in an aseptic condition. Your pharmacist will properly guide you on the best storage condition for each type of drug.

Crushing and scoring of drugs

Not all drugs are crushable or scored. Only drugs that are scored are crushable.

It is wrong for patients to try to break or crush their drugs without first getting approval from their Pharmacist.

The pharmacist knows the best in terms of drug properties. Some drugs have a narrow margin of safety and unequal division could lead to toxicities. Most uncoated drugs could be crushed just like paracetamo­l. Coated drugs should not be crushed.

The essence of coating could be to mask the bitter taste, reduce acidic degradatio­n in the stomach,

etc. Entericoat­ed drugs like low dose aspirin should not be crushed to avoid degradatio­n by acid in the stomach.

Concurrent administra­tion of two or more drugs

It is not always proper to take many drugs at the same time. Some could interact with each other

and alter their properties. For example, antimalari­als generally called ACTs interact with vitamin C or antioxidan­ts like selenium and this renders the ACT ineffectiv­e.

Antacids destroy the action of most drugs if taken together. Iron preparatio­ns and proton pump inhibitors like rabeprazol­e interact. However, drugs like Vitamin C and Iron preparatio­ns are best co-administer­ed to improve blood drug absorption. Only your pharmacist­s know the best for every circumstan­ce.

Using a different container for drug storage

It is always wrong for patients to use another container to store their drug. This could lead to drug interactio­ns or accidental poisoning of drugs. Some particles of a drug could chemically react with a drug packaging if stored in a wrong container. Also, there could be misinterpr­etation of labels and subsequent consumptio­n of the wrong drug. Every drug must be properly labelled in the right container to avoid confusion and the incidence of poisoning and toxicity.

Using another patient’s prescripti­on

Some patients go as far as borrowing copies of prescripti­ons from another patient to treat cases with similar signs and symptoms. It must be clearly stated that many ailments look alike in terms of signs and symptoms and have different treatments.

It is a suicidal attempt for patients to use prescripti­ons prescribed for another person for their personal cases. Patients must consult with their healthcare provider for better advice and guidance.

Discarding of drugs after use

Most patients are unaware that what they call medicine could actually poison the same patient. Some antibiotic penicillin powders turn to a toxic product once exposed to moisture. This toxic product could kill the patient if consumed.

This means that antibiotic­s, especially the powders should be discarded after the recommende­d duration. Other drugs should also be discarded if stored after some durations, otherwise they become poisonous to the patients. Patients must always ask their pharmacist(s) about how long their opened product could last.

Most products could expire earlier than their expiry dates if poorly stored. Always consult your pharmacist on all drug related issues to guide you properly. Consult a Clinical Pharmacist in the case of advanced pharmaceut­ical care and medication therapy management.

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