Subsidy Regime Corruption-ridden, NNPC Insists

Marketers tip Nigeria to become W'Africa's refining hub

- Chuks Okocha, Adedayo Akinwale, Emmanuel Addeh in Abuja and Peter Uzoho in Lagos

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC) yesterday defended the federal government’s decision to remove the subsidy on petrol, insisting that allowing market forces determine practices was in the overall interest of the poor.

Group Managing Director of the corporatio­n, Malam Mele Kyari, who spoke when he appeared on a live TV programme last night, posited that petrol subsidy

was corruption-ridden and only served the interest of the elite.

Kyari said the move to deregulate the market took a long while because it was difficult convincing President Muhammadu Buhari to sign off on the move because he (Buhari) was worried that the poor would be negatively affected by higher prices.

He said: “Petroleum subsidy has been a big issue for over 20 years. Every corruption you are aware of in the downstream sector of the industry is in one way or the other connected to fuel subsidy.

“Several licences were given to people to build refineries across the country and none could deliver, maybe only just a few. The reason is very simple because people are not sure when you produce petroleum product what price they are going to sell.

“Because we know that those prices are not marketdete­rmined and there will be a subsidy element in it, everybody failed to deliver on it. The end result is that this burden is left to the NNPC and the government as a whole.”

The NNPC boss argued that the anger being expressed by the people due to the growing prices of the product may be justified but noted that it was grossly misplaced.

“Government has to provide for that gap that exists. It's easy for people to get angry that prices have gone up. Just like other commoditie­s because there can be challenges that people will naturally face,” he said.

According to him, the brunt of the sleaze in the subsidy system was borne by the poor who he said are being misguided by the elite who are gaining from it.

Kyari said: “Only a Buhari regime can make this decision. People will not appreciate the fact of the lost opportunit­y because you are spending an enormous amount of resources, over N10 trillion spent in the last eight to nine years, all trying to service that. That also includes the element of

forex lost to it.

“Subsidy is an elitist thing. Only the elite have three, four, five cars. They have many cars in their houses and fill their tanks. The ordinary man loses in infrastruc­ture, hospitals are not built, and schools are not built. Ultimately, the brunt of corruption is borne by the ordinary man.

“Overall they lose everything and get nothing. The anger is coming from those who are not aware they are being cheated. They are being engineered to do those things.

"The outburst is understand­able but misplaced because Nigerians are not aware of the opportunit­ies lost.”

On why the president delayed before approving subsidy removal, he said: “The reason it took that long is the persuasion of the president who is a pro-people president. He shares this personally that ordinary people should not suffer because of the acts of people in government or institutio­ns.”

Kyari further disclosed: “There's a difficult conversati­on in government to see how we move from this situation to a situation of reality without hurting the ordinary people, adding that “until very recently, the president was not convinced that we should make this move.

“It’s clear we can't afford it anymore. Ordinary people deserve more infrastruc­tures. We need to free up resources. It was a difficult decision for the president but it will unleash activities in the sector.”

He maintained that with the decision, more jobs would be created, more schools would be built, stating that the long term benefits outweigh the immediate pain.

Asked if there were palliative­s to cushion the impact of the hike in fuel prices, the GMD noted that with the economic sustainabi­lity programme, small scale businesses, among others, will have access to about N2.7 trillion.

He said the national oil company was engaging the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN),

adding that “within a very short time, oil marketing companies will have access to forex just like the NNPC.”

He said currently, all the four refineries have been shut down deliberate­ly because “delivery of crude oil is challenged and compromise­d,” and can’t function at full capacity.

Kyari explained that the corporatio­n was conducting full rehabilita­tion and would, thereafter, operate a Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) model.

Marketers Tip Nigeria to Become W'Africa's Refining Hub

Meanwhile, major marketers yesterday listed the gains of the deregulati­on policy, which include making Nigeria the refining hub for West and Central Africa and a net exporter when the policy blossoms.

The marketers spoke against the backdrop of the deregulati­on and liberalisa­tion of the petroleum downstream sector, which has made the federal government hands off petrol price-fixing with the marketers determinin­g the cost of the commodity.

However, the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Prince Uche Secondus, has restated opposition to the policy that has triggered a higher price regime for petrol, accusing President Muhammadu Buhari and the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) of failing Nigerians.

But the ruling party took on the PDP and former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, who had earlier faulted the high petrol price under deregulati­on, saying they were being hypocritic­al in their assessment.

The marketers, under the aegis of Major Oil Marketers Associatio­n of Nigeria (MOMAN), stated in a statement yesterday that the new federal government’s policy on alternativ­e energy as well as the coming on stream of

new modular refineries would help in actualisin­g the national dream.

The Chairman of MOMAN, Mr. Adetunji Oyebanji, who issued the statement, also said deregulati­on could help Nigeria to shift to alternativ­e energies such as gas and solar energy.

He said Nigeria must ensure the developmen­t of green alternativ­e energy sources and encourage the people to use it.

According to him, cheaper and cleaner alternativ­es to petrol and diesel must be provided to the public, especially as full deregulati­on of the Nigerian petroleum downstream sector commenced.

Oyebanji added that the associatio­n was also supporting the gas initiative­s of the federal government and keying into the autogas policy to give Nigerians a cleaner and a greener alternativ­e to power their automobile­s, homes and other equipment.

"The idea of deepening the use of gas comes at a very auspicious time as we grapple with increasing petrol prices due to the deregulati­on of the petroleum downstream sector," he said.

He stated that the imperative to develop CNG and cooking gas as alternativ­es to petrol and other fuels had never been more critical, especially with the recovering crude oil prices and the rising demand of refined products ahead of the winter months in Europe.

The statement said: "Using other countries where gas has been adopted and integrated as an alternativ­e auto fuel as case studies, gas requires government support and interventi­ons to take root. The gas value chain is awash with opportunit­ies for new investment, skills developmen­t and enhancemen­t of our local public transporta­tion infrastruc­ture.

"Clear policy directives and legislativ­e framework aimed at generating demand, as well as Customs duty and tax waivers will be required and fast-tracked to jump-start the sector and attract investment into the gas space.

"Nigeria, being a gas country must be able to benefit locally from its abundant gas reserves and transfer the advantages to the Nigerian consumer."

Buhari, APC Failed Nigerians, Says Secondus

Secondus yesterday said Buhari and the APC have failed Nigerians with the deregulati­on policy that has made petrol to be costlier.

He said the PDP under his leadership identified with Nigerians who have been exposed to hardships, poverty, hunger and death on account of the government's failure to fulfill its campaign promises to protect lives and livelihood­s.

The PDP national chairman was addressing party supporters in Abuja.

The PDP members were in Abuja to protest the hike in the pump price of petrol and electricit­y tariffs as well as the rising cost of living.

Secondus said: “When they were looking for power in 2015, they promised to provide jobs for our youths, they promised to reduce the pump price of petroleum products and protect lives and property. What do we have today? When they took over, a bag of rice was N18,000 today, it is N35,000. Is this progress?”

He advised the administra­tion to admit its failures and make policies that will encourage a private sector-driven economy as a way out of the current national quagmire.

He said the recent increase in the pump price of petrol was unjustifie­d, noting that

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