Nigeria Media and the Fight against COVID-19 Misinforma­tion

While misinforma­tion has become one of the biggest enemies of the fight against COVID-19 in Nigeria, the role of the media in providing accurate and evidence-based informatio­n to citizens cannot be overemphas­ised.

- Martins Ifijeh writes

EWonderver wondered why many Nigerians continue to doubt the existence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the approaches taken by government­s and health bodies against the outbreak? no more. Misinforma­tion and mistrust are often at the centre of people’s belief systems. On the one hand, there is scientific­ally- proven, or at evidence-based informatio­n about the pandemic which Nigerians deserve to know about. However, on the other hand, there is bizarre counter-informatio­n from different quarters, which in many instances overshadow­s the fact-checked informatio­n, because they are often driven by mischief, can be sensationa­list in nature and filled with half-truths that appeal to the consciousn­ess of Nigerian and those that believe in conspiracy theories.

The misinforma­tion may even have been initiated by people who ordinarily have no prior experience or knowledge about epidemics and should, in reality, be ignored when they issue health directives. The level and speed of spread of their half-truths are just like wildfire in a burning dry forest, and the spread is further made possible by previously establishe­d preconcept­ions. It is therefore critical not to ignore the impact of the misinforma­tion on citizens and the effect it has, hampering the fight against COVID-19. No thanks to the internet which has become a major driver of misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion in Nigeria; two enemies that now represent the biggest threats to the public health of Nigerians and response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

What is more worrisome is that traditiona­l media, including radio, television and newspaper, mediums that are critical sources of informatio­n which should be the viral circuit-breaker meant to correct misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion about COVID-19 are often not living up to the critical role they are supposed to play by providing fact-checked and scientific­ally proven informatio­n in their publicatio­ns or broadcasts, countering the sensationa­list mistruths that are being spread around.

In some cases, the media propagates these half-truths without recourse to their authentici­ty or the credibilit­y of the sources.

Recent audience insight polling from NOIPolls in August 2020, which looked at risk communicat­ions and community engagement found that the top sources of informatio­n about COVID-19 were TV and radio. As an example, when respondent­s were asked where they heard informatio­n that malaria drugs could cure COVID-19 , 25 per cent of respondent­s mentioned neighbours and people in their communitie­s, 22 per cent stated friends and family, 20 per cent stated television and 14 per cent stated radio.

For clarity to explain the difference between misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion about COVID-19; the former is the creation and spreading of false or misleading informatio­n, without the intention to cause harm, while the latter is the intentiona­l sharing of informatio­n with the intention of causing harm or creating social discontent. Both have been described by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, as bigger enemies of COVID-19 than the virus itself.

Misinforma­tion about COVID-19 is being complicate­d by the evolving nature of the pandemic, and the speed at which knowledge about the virus continues to increase. There has also been significan­t back and forth about the efficacy of various therapeuti­cs to cure or manage COVID-19 infection. There remain many unknowns about the virus and the knowledge vacuums are being filled by unfounded speculatio­n and misinforma­tion, contributi­ng to the scepticism about the public health response and interventi­ons being put in place.

COVID-19 Misinforma­tion and its Effect on Nigerians

Although the Nigerian government and public health experts have made efforts to update the citizens on health protocols and speedy evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, the spread of misinforma­tion has started taking a toll on Nigerians, thereby endangerin­g the noticeable progress already made in tackling the virus in the country.

For instance, according to results from NOIPolls in August 2020, while 74 per cent of Nigerians think the virus is real, 20 per cent remain sceptical about the existence of the virus. The reasons mentioned for not believing in the existence of COVID-19 include mistrust for the government. Some people also state that they have not seen anyone infected with the virus. This is reflective in the level of compliance on face masks, social and physical distancing, utterances by some otherwise respected religious leaders, among others.

In addition, the messages that were previously left in the comments section of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Twitter handle are a further reflection of the cynicism and scepticism about the presence of the virus and the daily number of confirmed cases. At the beginning of the pandemic, comments were more of unity and patriotism. They prayed in their replies for the virus to go away. But as misinforma­tion began to gain traction, Nigerian citizens began engaging with NCDC on Twitter by expressing their disbelief of the numbers announced daily.

Filling the Gap against COVID-19 Misinforma­tion

While misinforma­tion, disinforma­tion and conspiracy theories thrive during crisis moments, one institutio­n that can salvage the situation is the media, mostly traditiona­l media, because of the respect and audience they command. There are therefore a number of roles these institutio­ns must play to help address the obvious gaps in informatio­n.

Promoting Facts, Prioritisi­ng Science

The Minister of Informatio­n and Culture, Lai Mohammed, during a recent Presidenti­al Taskforce on COVID-19 update in Abuja, said that there was a lot of misinforma­tion, fake news and conspiracy theories being peddled around the virus, and it was having a significan­t impact on the fight against the virus. He advised the media to be the link between experts/government­s and the people, rather than having the citizens get their informatio­n from unverifiab­le sources such as social media, which has been a major driver contributi­ng to the spread of misinforma­tion about COVID-19.

But for this to happen, the media must be ready to debunk and fact- check misinforma­tion, countering it with evidence-based informatio­n, as well as choosing science over sensationa­l reports that would, in the long run, erode trust in the public health response to the outbreak.

Just recently, Nigeria Health Watch, an Abuja-based health communicat­ions and advocacy organisati­on started their partnershi­p with Meedan, a non-profit social technology company, leveraging their Digital Lab to counter misinforma­tion about COVID-19 in Nigeria.

Through the partnershi­p, both organisati­ons gather misinforma­tion or rumours around COVID-19 circulatin­g in Nigeria, tapping into Meedan’s panel of public health experts who debunk and fact-check the misinforma­tion/rumours, providing evidence-based responses on various platforms. The Twitter hashtag #HealthFact­CheckNaija has been used disseminat­e fact-checked informatio­n.

A public relations expert, and Head of Projects at The Billboard Communicat­ions, Rufus Onyebagu, said only a handful of Nigerians have experience­d a pandemic before, hence misinforma­tion was bound to happen, but that media houses have a duty to report only facts about the outbreak. “The media should have experts, especially virologist­s, epidemiolo­gists and public health persons to always defer to when it comes to matters of science and COVID-19. People believe in the media, and whatever they read or listen to has a way of changing their perception.”

Countering Controvers­ial Misinforma­tion

He called on the media never to shy away from addressing controvers­ial and countering stories that have gone viral about COVID-19. “When some Nigerian pastors were championin­g 5G and COVID-19 theories, how many media houses assembled health and technology experts and published articles to say the two have no relationsh­ip. What prominence was this issue given by the media?”

He called on the media to dedicate a section of its work to addressing fake news and rumours about the pandemic, stressing that to be fair to Nigerians, they move along with misinforma­tion because the real informatio­n is not put in their faces as against the wrong messages.

Non-politicisa­tion of Stories

While it is no longer news that many false stories about COVID-19 have political or even religious undertones, the media has a role to remove strands of politics, religion and personal interest from every story regarding the public health of Nigerians.

“For me, when someone is discussing an issue, what I first lookout for is whether he is qualified to talk on the particular focus,” Onyebagu said, adding that, “for instance, if the discussion is about whether or not particular drugs work for COVID-19, I should be able to know whether the guest I am interviewi­ng is an expert in that area, whether he or she has an interest because of the gains to be made from those drugs, whether or not there is a political undertone, among others. The reason is, people will depend on that report to make their life decisions.

So, whatever should be published must be done with utmost profession­alism.“

Role as Misinforma­tion Circuit-breaker

The PR strategist said if particular rumours or fake news go viral, it means that area of thought is what the people have interest in at that time, adding that it behoves on the media to also have an interest in the message, and then stop the fake viral informatio­n.

He said: “The media has the capacity to stop fake news that has gone viral. The best to do this is to fact check the informatio­n and bring the right perspectiv­e out.”

“The partnershi­p between Nigeria Health Watch and Meedan leverages on various tools to disseminat­e fact-checked informatio­n. Given the importance and prominence of radio, debunked misinforma­tion is disseminat­ed via radio jingles and radio shows, which enables a two-way communicat­ion platform so listeners can call in and ask questions about rumours they may have heard.

“WhatsApp has also been a prominent platform in the spread of misinforma­tion. The Nigeria Health Watch team has used this platform to disseminat­e informatio­n and have created short engaging animations that are used to counter and correct misinforma­tion.

Anything that is in the public interest should concern the media and the various media platforms should collective­ly support in stopping the spread of misinforma­tion. If the fake news is of public interest, the right message will also be of public interest if timely released,” he added.

With the media stepping up in its role against COVID-19 misinforma­tion, fewer Nigerians will doubt the existence of the virus and will have greater trust and be more responsive to the approaches taken by the government­s and public health bodies to halt the spread of COVID-19.

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