Nigeria Demands Equitable Representa­tion at UN Security Council...

- Omololu Ogunmade in Abuja

President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday advocated the necessity for a fair and equitable representa­tion in the United Nations (UN) Security Council, saying doing so is crucial to achieving “the United Nations we need.''

The president made the call when he joined other world leaders at a virtual meeting of the UN General Assembly in commemorat­ion of the 75th anniversar­y of the global body.

Nigeria has over the years been calling for a reform of the Security Council that will offer Africa a place in the structure and compositio­n of the Security Council in recognitio­n of its contributi­ons to peace-keeping operations.

Buhari described demands for the reform as just and long overdue, pledging Nigeria's commitment to the UN's principles of human rights, peace and security, and democratic governance.

He also pledged Nigeria’s rededicati­on to what he described as multilater­alism and rules-based internatio­nal system.

The president also expressed optimism that this year's event would offer the UN the platform to respond to numerous challenges confrontin­g member states.

He said: ''The demand for the reform of the United Nations Security Council is just and a place for Africa in the very strategic Organ of the Organisati­on is long-overdue.

''In our collective effort to rebuild the United Nations of our dream, Nigeria reaffirms her commitment to uphold the principles of the United

Nations including human rights, peace and security, as well as democratic governance.

''I, therefore, reiterate Nigeria’s rededicati­on to multilater­alism and the rules-based internatio­nal system.

''It is my hope that this anniversar­y will encourage us to respond to the numerous challenges we face and support efforts aimed at building the United Nations system we desire.''

A statement by one of the president's spokesmen, Mr. Femi Adesina, said Buhari hailed the UN for remaining true to the aspiration­s of its founders.

On Nigeria’s participat­ion at the UN, Buhari said the country had remained a reliable partner of the UN in its aspiration to achieve its mandate of a more peaceful, secure, and developed world.

According to him, this 75th general assembly is significan­t because it coincides with the 60th year of Nigeria's entry into the UN.

He proceeded to enumerate various ways Nigeria has contribute­d to the UN's peacekeepi­ng and humanitari­an operations, adding that Nigeria has at five different occasions served as a non-permanent member of the Security Council.

''This year’s celebratio­n is significan­t to Nigeria as it coincides with our 60th anniversar­y of joining this esteemed Organisati­on.

''As an active member of the organisati­on, Nigeria has contribute­d human, financial and material resources to several United Nations peacekeepi­ng operations.

''We have also provided humanitari­an aid to refugees and displaced persons; helped countries in tackling diseases such as Ebola and extended both human and financial resources as technical aid to other countries.

''In addition, we have served on five occasions as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and contribute­d significan­tly to the promotion of internatio­nal peace and security,'' he said.

According to him, the internatio­nal organisati­on has continued to play the crucial role of promoting global peace and security.

Adesina said as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the UN for the first time convened a gathering of world leaders in a virtual format for high-level meetings and the annual general debate.

He said Buhari in his video message to the UN at 75 gathering, highlighte­d Nigeria’s achievemen­ts at the UN since 1960 when the country officially joined the organisati­on.

He said Buhari also highlighte­d the country’s active contributi­ons in human, financial and material resources to several UN peacekeepi­ng operations, among other priorities.

''For over seven decades, the United Nations has remained true to the aspiration­s of its founders. It continues to play a crucial role in fostering global peace and security. The organisati­on has grown in membership and scope to reflect contempora­ry global trends.

''Collective­ly, we have improved and saved lives as well as defended the rights of the vulnerable in adherence to the principles of the United Nations,” the president said.

Buhari pointed out that nations of the world worked together to shelter refugees; foster developmen­t; invest in conflict resolution and peacekeepi­ng, and promoted women’s and children’s rights.

Buhari also spoke on decolonisa­tion, calling on member states to abide by UN Resolution 1514 seeking the independen­ce of colonial countries and peoples.

He said the quest to realise total decolonisa­tion remains incomplete as long as non-selfgovern­ing territorie­s continue to exist.

The president recalled that beyond issues of peace and security, the UN had also played active roles in the decolonisa­tion of many territorie­s.

According to him, ''This was achieved through the adoption of many resolution­s that supported the independen­ce and subsequent admission of over 80 territorie­s into the Organisati­on.

''However, the quest to realise total decolonisa­tion remains incomplete as long as non-selfgovern­ing territorie­s continue to exist. In this regard, I call on member states to abide by UN Resolution 1514 on the granting of independen­ce to colonial countries and peoples.’’

He added that in spite of progress made in safeguardi­ng world peace and promoting global cooperatio­n, the world is still faced with complex challenges.

''Efforts to address impediment­s for the attainment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t were undermined by the advent of the Coronaviru­s pandemic which brought about unpreceden­ted challenges that cannot be tackled by any single country or region.

''The inward-looking tendencies exhibited by member states in the wake of the pandemic have particular­ly revealed an urgent need for us to strengthen internatio­nal cooperatio­n, unity, and solidarity to address all negative developmen­ts including climate change, violent extremism, natural disasters, and cyber-security.

''However, as we continue to battle the pandemic and search for possible solutions, including an effective vaccine, we implore nations to adopt a global approach in addressing the global health emergency in a bid to build the future we want," he said.

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