Protesters Storm N’Assembly, Demand Probe of Rogue Operatives

- Udora Orizu in Abuja

EndSARS protesters yesterday marched to the National Assembly complex, demanding probe of brutality and highhanded­ness by the now-defunct Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) unit of the Nigerian Police Force.

The placard-carrying youths with placards blocked vehicular movements in the area and entrance of the National Assembly, chanting songs of solidarity.

Though they were stopped at the entrance by the security agents, the protesters insisted that the leadership of the National Assembly must address them before they would vacate the scene.

After over an hour of singing, the aggrieved youths were met by the Senate Majority and Minority leaders, Senators Yahaya Abdullahi and Enyinnaya Abaribe.

Addressing the legislator­s, the spokesman of the group lamented that SARS operatives sent thugs to attack them and in the process they damaged their cars and other belongings.

He demanded that the lawmakers should fix their cars and ensure that the erring officers are brought to book.

He said, ‘’These thugs came across us and began to attack our people, peaceful protesters. They damaged our cars, injured some us. If not because we are very courageous Nigerian youths and resilient generation we would have ran away but we made sure they got some beatings before we took them to the hospital; they damage over six cars here, we brought only the ones that we could; they stole our wallets and phones.’’

‘’The Nigerian Police is a public institutio­n that should protect the people and not send thugs to attack us. We know your chambers have constituti­onal command over the Nigerian Police. We don’t want money or promises, we just want you take the cars and tell us when you will fix them. We will come back and collect them.”

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