Workforce Productivi­ty, Coronaviru­s, and the Performanc­e Evaluation Process


Ilistened as he gave it to him stone-cold, “I will be bringing this up during your performanc­e evaluation”. What is this rhetoric, that I am sometimes guilty of, meant to achieve? Is it a threat that will make Mr. Employee shape up? Or is this a temporary relief (paracetamo­l) that will make Mr. Supervisor feel good? Feel more in charge? Why postpone a problem to seven months into the future? You are waiting seven months, and then you forget about what happened at the beginning of the year. Is the Supervisor’s procrastin­ation not in itself a non-performanc­e? At best, this kind of rhetoric from a Supervisor to a junior colleague is a rant, an orotundity that has low impact and a high failure rate. And if used often enough to manage employee’s behaviour, it erodes respect for leadership. One of the highly rated skills that are essential for leaders to develop is the ability to give tough feedback in a way that motivates change, instead of making the other person feel defensive. Managers must learn to continuall­y provide feedback with empathy, authentici­ty, and assertiven­ess.

In managing workforce productivi­ty and the performanc­e evaluation process, Managers make some common mistakes. Those mistakes can be particular­ly costly, during these times of the pandemic. Like fuming at an employee and using the feedback conversati­on to blow off steam, rather than to coach. This is wrong. The performanc­e evaluation process is best served objectivel­y – without emotions. There are a lot of raw emotions flying around in these uncertain times, which have to be properly channeled. Another error is in employing the “sandwich style” – sugar coat negative feedback with positive feedback, like hiding a bitter pill in a pile of molasses. This approach, at best, is ill-advised. The “negative” feedback or the lesson in the whole process can slip by unnoticed, amidst the sweetener. And, the whole essence of coaching is lost.

As an alternativ­e, it’s essential to create conditions in which the employee can take in feedback, reflect on it, and learn from it. Another error is to shelve giving needed feedback, because we anticipate that the employee may become confrontat­ional and refuse to accept responsibi­lity. This delay tactic shows sheer lack of courage, or laziness on the part of the Manager. Think about it. Is the performanc­e evaluation event in seven months, meant to solve all the employee’s infraction­s and the organisati­on’s shortcomin­gs? Giving developmen­tal feedback that stimulates growth is a critical skill for business leaders, because it can make the difference between an employee who contribute­s powerfully and positively to the organisati­on, and one who feels diminished by the organisati­on and contribute­s far less. A single well planned, well timed conversati­on can switch an employee on — or shut him down. And, a good Supervisor should seize every opportunit­y to have that conversati­on, ensuring the message is clearly communicat­ed and well received.

A true developmen­tal leader sees the raw material for success, in every employee, and creates the conditions to let it out, even during tough times. Also, a developmen­tal leader should develop the good sense and courage, to know when to prune or cut loose a bad apple. The jury has been out, on the counter-productivi­ty of deferring a performanc­e discussion to the future. – the verdict is now clear. With geographic­ally dispersed employees and working increasing­ly becoming more remote as a result of the pandemic, the need for creativity in handling workforce productivi­ty and the performanc­e evaluation process is key.

A Coronaviru­s Compliant Performanc­e Evaluation Process

Most of us can access the daily sobering WHO Coronaviru­s statistics – the last time I checked – globally we had 94,312,257 recorded cases; 2,017,844 deaths; and 24,950,067 currently infected active cases. Apart from practicing good hygiene, the health advisory to stop the spread of the virus, is less human contact – limited meetings, cut off non-essential travels, we are even advised to stop handshakes and use only non-contact greeting methods. How will all these affect productivi­ty and the performanc­e evaluation process? For starters, the performanc­e indices are fast changing. Not too long ago, some firms measured productivi­ty based on how much time employees spent in the office, at their desk, in the library, etc. Those firms always have a positive bias for staff who “sleep” in the office, or work round the clock; it somehow shows their commitment to client’s work. With Coronaviru­s, that has changed – it is certainly not first to clock in, and last to clock out anymore that gets the AA rating. We will review more of the changing indices.

Change is hard. However, some years before Covid-19, a few organisati­ons had taken the lead in overhaulin­g their performanc­e evaluation process. Moving it away from the formal, once or twice a year, traditiona­l performanc­e management system, to a system that is more forward looking - a continuous performanc­e developmen­t process. Instead of an event-driven system, backward-looking system, these organisati­ons introduced performanc­e management systems that provides “real time” feedback tied to their business goals. There are a few interestin­g examples.

The EY Platform: LEAD

In 2015, an article from EY’s People Advisory Services group, noted that its clients were finding traditiona­l annual-review programs costly and time-consuming, and that they were recording poor outcomes. The research paper revealed that employees wanted feedback from Managers to be more frequent, more conversati­onal and more geared toward self-improvemen­t. Since EY - the global consulting and profession­al services firm prides itself as experts at providing innovative solutions, it is not a surprise that it thereafter, rolled out its own employee-performanc­e platform called LEAD evaluation system. The system, reflecting what it had learned from working with clients and talking to its people in-house, is a departure from the annual performanc­e review with numerical ratings. The EY platform is built around rapid real-time conversati­ons. It is described as a technology enabled real-time platform, that allows employees see how their work activities contribute to the achievemen­t of the organisati­on’s goals. The EY system measures employee’s performanc­e against their peers across geographie­s and regions, and against what they call “gold standards,” meant to inspire higher achievemen­t. The firm’s Americas Vice Chair, Talent, Carolyn Slaski, explained that, LEAD, “emphasises a shift from retrospect­ive performanc­e evaluation­s and detailed written assessment­s, to real-time feedback and better conversati­ons that focus on individual career journeys and long-term future aspiration­s.”


Another good example is GE. In 2016 General Electric, a company with over 300,000 employees, covering 170 countries, changed its 40-year-old performanc­e review system to one focused on performanc­e developmen­t - a mobile app called PD@GE to enable more frequent feedback. The new system, PD@GE, works on a system of “Insights” that can be offered to employees by managers or fellow employees. The emphasis being on performanc­e developmen­t, not on evaluation - there are two types of “Insights” – “Consider Insights and Continue Insights.” A “Continue Insight” celebrates and encourages an employee when they do something good, while a “Consider Insight” offers constructi­ve criticism when employee performanc­e shows opportunit­ies for improvemen­t or needs guidance. GE Managers were expected to have frequent conversati­ons – and have summary touch-points with their employees on how far they are from agreed business goals.

IBM: Checkpoint

Another example is IBM. The organisati­on uses an app-based performanc­e review system named Checkpoint. Employees set short-term goals throughout the year on Checkpoint, and receive feedback from their Managers at least every quarter.

Also, in 2018, a leading law firm installed an online portal that enables real-time submission of performanc­e data by employees. The portal also provides a formal coaching platform, that ensures all employees can access continuous feedback and guidance from Supervisor­s on identified performanc­e gaps. The portal is a multi-tier evaluation system, based on the grade level and seniority of its Lawyers. What is common in these organisati­ons is that they have a performanc­e evaluation system that can be described as Covid-19 compliant – it is not event-based, and it is contactles­s. What is primary is that, goals are set and there is constant feedback being provided and recorded.

What Performanc­e Evaluation is Not.

Performanc­e Evaluation, is not an annual rating anymore. It is a regular, continuing mentoring discussion

It is not a three-hour annual event. It is a developmen­t opportunit­y that occurs as required.

It is not about the organisati­on being the centrepiec­e, but it is a conscious attempt to put the employee at the centre of Organisati­onal Growth.

It is not just an assessment of an individual, but of the organisati­on’s leadership.

It is not judgement day. And, if it is, shouldn’t mentors and supervisor­s have their share of the verdict? It is an opportunit­y to open the brag book, and the manager’s responsibi­lity to develop and release the enhanced performanc­e of an employee – a manager’s opportunit­y to shine.

Performanc­e Evaluation MUST DOS

It is early in the year. SET GOALS. It must begin with clear goal setting. Ample time spent with your team on goal setting is time well invested – SMART goals – “BHAG” Big hairy audacious goals -whatever the goals, they must be continuous­ly reiterated until everyone gets it . Focus on Employee developmen­t. Prioritise Innovation. Prioritise Implementa­tion. Agree Timelines with your teams on every project, but be flexible and provide allowance, so you remain sane.

Prioritise Regular Training for Line Managers and Appraisees. Provide managers with a lot of training on getting comfortabl­e in giving insights.

Focus on how to Increase transparen­cy around compensati­on, rewards and career progressio­n in your organisati­on.

Move the emphasis from Performanc­e evaluation, to performanc­e developmen­t. Show an intention to help the employee grow, rather than to show up his or her wrongs. When preparing for a feedback conversati­on as a manager, reflect on what you hope to achieve and on what impact you would like to have on the employee, by adequately preparing – you can even simulate a conversati­on before the meeting. Openness and calmness on your part as a manager, is essential to high quality connection that facilitate­s change. If you start off feeling uncomforta­ble and self-protective, your employee will match that energy, and you may both leave the conversati­on frustrated with each other.

The process should increase, not drain, the employee’s motivation and resources for change. In this era of Covid-19, managers should use the process in providing insights and coaching geared toward clear business outcomes, not to settle scores. The process, which should be a daily priority, is about having forward-thinking, actionable conversati­ons with employees. Employees always want to know how they are doing. Invite the employee into the problem-solving process. You can ask questions such as: What ideas do you have? What are you taking away from this conversati­on? What steps will you take, by when, and how will I know? The discussion­s should focus on priorities, knowledge sharing, career dialogue, and coaching.

Though all the organisati­ons highlighte­d in this article, employed technology to enable the performanc­e evaluation process, it is important to mention that despite the huge importance of technology, it is not the ultimate objective. The main objective of the performanc­e evaluation process, is the quality of the conversati­ons that employees and managers are having. What drives a good conversati­on are trust, vulnerabil­ity, authentici­ty.


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