WHO: Rich Countries Sabotaging Equitable Access toVaccines


The Director-General of the World Health Organizati­on (WHO), Dr Tedros Ghebreyesu­s, has expressed concern over the distributi­on of vaccines, especially to health workers and the elderly in low-income countries.

He explained that rich countries are sabotaging equitable access to drugs. He noted that more than 39 million doses of vaccines have been administer­ed in at least 49 higher-income countries, whereas, only 25 doses have been distribute­d in one lowest-income country.

He further disclosed that some countries and companies continue to go around the COVAX facility in order to jump to the front of the queue by driving up prices. These actions, according to him, will lead to hoarding, a chaotic market, uncoordina­ted response, continued social and economic disruption, could delay the delivery of vaccines to poor countries, and prolong the pandemic.

The WHO DG, therefore, urged higher-income countries and manufactur­ers of vaccines to work together in solidarity to ensure that within the first 100 days of this year, vaccinatio­n of health workers and older people is underway in all countries.

Speaking during its 148th session of the Executive Board, on Monday, Ghebreyesu­s, stated: “The recent emergence of rapidlyspr­eading variants makes the rapid and equitable rollout of vaccines all the more important. But we now face the real danger that even as vaccines bring hope to some, they become another brick in the wall of inequality between the world’s haves and have-nots.

“It’s right that all government­s want to prioritize vaccinatin­g their own health workers and older people first. But it’s not right that younger, healthier adults in rich countries are vaccinated before health workers and older people in poorer countries. There will be enough vaccine for everyone. But right now, we must work together as one global family to prioritize those most at risk of severe diseases and death, in all countries.

“For the past 9 months, the ACT Accelerato­r and the COVAX vaccines pillar have been laying the groundwork for the equitable distributi­on and deployment of vaccines. We have secured 2 billion doses from five producers, with options on more than 1 billion more doses, and we aim to start deliveries in February. I use this opportunit­y to thank Gavi and CEPI.

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