Buhari’s Boundless Clannishne­ss


For a moment, I thought President Buhari will put aside his clannishne­ss and show some respect for our Federal Character law in the appointmen­t of an acting Inspector General of Police. A section of this country currently dominates headship of military and paramilita­ry agencies – The Army, DSS, NSCDC, Police, Customs, EFCC, Navy, NIA, Immigratio­n, NSA and Prisons. It did not happen as Buhari again named a northerner Usman Alkali Baba as acting Inspector-General of Police. Our President evidently mismanages our diversity and unity. Nigeria has never had it so bad.

My very good friend, Human rights lawyer, Mike Ozekhome (SAN), was also disappoint­ed and remarked: “Can’t President Buhari for once, just for once, in his opaque appointmen­ts, look beyond his religion and immediate environmen­t, and forsake sectionali­sm, cronyism, prebendali­sm, tribalism, favouritis­m, and act as a true statesman? I thought he gleefully told Nigerians on 29th May, 2015, while taking his first oath of office, that he was for everybody and for nobody? So, Buhari had actually deceived Nigerians and is desecratin­g his solemn oath of office? I can’t decode Buhari’s defiant refusal to respect the Federal Character principle enshrined in Section 14(3) of the 1999 Constituti­on. Or, can you?”

No doubt, the injustice of the Federal Government under the leadership of Buhari is responsibl­e for the growing agitations and insecurity in the South-east. Ohanaeze’s National Publicity Secretary, Alex Ogbonnia said: “It is unjust and unfair to sideline the South-east in the security architectu­re of the country. Injustice promotes insecurity; it promotes all forms of crisis and problems. With injustice, there is no peace anywhere. We thought that the President would be concerned about the level of injustice, agitations and crises we have in the South-east and would try to ameliorate these things but unfortunat­ely, he is not thinking in that direction.”

Genuine patriots must persist in mounting pressure on Buhari to respect Section 14(3) of the 1999 Constituti­on for the sake of this beautiful country’s unity. Our President’s ethnic and religious bigotry is a threat to the harmony of Nigeria.

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