The Currency Printing Controvers­y

In this piece, James Emejo, chronicles the recent controvers­y surroundin­g the alleged printing of currency by the federal government to support the economy


Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, last week, stir red a costly controvers­y when he claimed that the federal government has had to resort to printing of currency to augment shortfall in revenue. The governor had, during the E do State transition committee stakeholde­rs engagement last Thursday, tried to warn about the consequenc­es of country’ s continued reliance on crude oil as major revenue sources as some of multinatio­nal oil companies and developed economies transit to alternativ­e energy sources.

Obaseki had only re-echoed similar concerns, recently raised by prominent personalit­ies including the Director General of the World Trade Organisati­on (WTO), Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, during her recently visit to the country.

Okonj o-I we ala, particular­ly expressed her discomfort and fears for the economy, which is still largely oil dependent on oil for survival while other countries had already commenced their trasition to renewable energy.

But the governor, apparently, stirred the hornet’s nest, when he told the gathering that amidst the existing Àscal constraint­s, the federal government has had to print between N50 billion and N60 billion to augment FA AC revenues for March, while also expressing strong reservatio­ns over the country’s rising debt proÀle.

He told the committee: “Nigeria has changed. The economy of Nigeria is not the same again whether we like it or not. Since the civil war, we have been managing, saying money is not our problem as long as we are pumping crude oil everyday.

“So we have run avery strange economy and strange presidenti­al system where the local, state and federal government, at the end of the month, go and earn salary. We are the only country in the world that does that.

“Everywhere else, government rely on the people to produce taxes and that is what they use to run the local government, state and the federation.”

He said :“But with the way we run Nigeria, the country can goto sleep. At the end of the month, we just goto Abuja, collect money and we come back to spend. We are in trouble, huge Ànancial trouble.

“The current price of crude oil is only a mirage. The major oil companies, who are the ones producing are no longer investing much in oil. Shell is pulling out of Nigeria and Chevron is now one of the world’ s largest investors in alternativ­e fuel, so in another year or so, where will we Ànd this money that we go to share inAbuja"”

Obaseki added: “When we got FAAC for March, the federal government printed additional N50-N60 billion to top up for us to share,” he said.

“This April, we will go to Abuja and share. By the end of this year, our total borrowings is going to be within N15-N16 trillion. Imagine a family that is just borrowing without any means to pay back and nobody is looking at that, everybody is looking at 2023, everybody is blaming Mr. President as if he is a magician.”

However, if anything, the idea of printing currency did not aug ur well with some Nigerians, particular­ly those who claimed to have understand­ing of economics - given the implicatio­ns on economy.

Armed with the literal concept of printing currency, the federal government, especially the Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning and Central Bank of Nigeria came under heavily criticisms from the public for allegedly re sorting to increase money in circulatio­n by printing more naira which could further fuel inÁation.

However, in the ensuing controvers­y, the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, MrsZai na b Ahmed, while re acting to Obaseki’s claims, said the informatio­n was not only untrue, but unfortunat­e.

She, further allayed concerns raises by O base ki over the country’ s rising debt portfolio, pointing out that the nation’s current debt proÀle which is 23 per cent of GDP falls within sustainabl­e limit.

Ahmed had said: “The issue that was raised by the Edo State Governor for me is very, very sad. Because it is not a fact. What we distribute at FAAC is a revenue that is generated and in fact distributi­on revenue is a public informatio­n. We publish revenue generated by FIRS, the Customs and the NNPC and we distribute at FAAC. So, it is not true to say we printed money to distribute at FAAC, it is not true”.

She added:“On the issue of the borrowing, the Nigerian debt is still within sustainabl­e limit. What we need to do as I have said several times is to improve our revenue to enhance our capacity to service not only our debt but to service the needs of running government on day to day basis. So our debt currently at about 23 per cent to GDP is at a very sustainabl­e level if you look at all the reports that you see from multilater­al institutio­ns.”

But O base ki, in a follow-up statement, stood by his words, insisting there was printing of money.

However, within Á at ion rate currently at 1.1 percent as at March, largely caused by the food index, analysts were quick to point out that pumping naira into the economy without commensura­te output production could particular­ly be detrimenta­l to the economy as this will further worsen current inÁationar­y pressure.

Nigerians, practicall­y intensiÀed their search for answers why money should be printed to augment revenue shortfall, and anxious ly awaited the position of the CBN.

It took the bold interventi­on of the CBN Governor, Mr. Godwin EmeÀele, to Ànally calm the troubled waters.

Although, the CB N governor did not waste time trying to puncture the claim on whether it printed money or not, he neverthele­ss, cl ari À ed that the concept of printing money does not necessaril­y involved actual printing but also the act lending money.

EmeÀele, who felt the controvers­y was uncalled for, said, “It’s inappropri­ate to give colouratio­n to currency printing”.

Reacting to Obaseki’s statement on printing of currency, he said, the CBN acted in national interest.

The CB N governor, who spoke during a facility tour of the Dan go te Integrated Sugar complex in Tunga, Awe Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, expressed dismay over attempts to distort the concept of printing of money.

He said :“It’ s very inappropri­ate for people to just give colour at ion to printing of money as if it’ s some foreign word coming from the sky .”

According to him,If you understand the concept of printing of money. The concept printing of money; it’s about lending money.

“That’s our job – to print. It’s about lending money and so there’s no need putting the controvers­y about printing of money as if we are going into the factory printing the naira and start distributi­ng on the streets .” However, E me À el e’ s interventi­on in the controvers­y did not come without a cost to the state government­s.

He said since the state government­s had resorted to indicting the federal government and by extension the CBN for assisting them with bailout loans to meet their Ànancial obligation­s during the 2015 2016 Àscal crisis, they must repay the debts.

In July 2015, President Mu ham ma du B uh ari had approved aN 1.5 trillion interventi­on package to assist bankrupt states pay salaries.

He justiÀed the CBN’s interventi­ons in the economy, noting that these are also some of the measures currently being adopted by developed countries to reÁate their economies.

He stated that it would have been irresponsi­ble of the CBN or any central bank to stand idle and refuse to support its government at this critical point in time.

According to the CBN governor, I think it’s important for me to put it this way. “That in 2015/2016, the kind of situation we found ourselves now, which is even worse than 2015/2016, we did provide budget support facility to all the states of this country.

“That loan remains unpaid till now. And we are going to insist on the states paying back those monies since they’re accusing us of giving them loans.

“Most countries in the world today are confronted by not only health challenges coming from the COVID-19 pandemic, causing economic crisis and the rest of them.

“What I keep saying is that it’ll be irresponsi­ble for the CBN or any central bank or any Fed to stand idle and then refuse to support its government at this time.

“What is being done is being done in any clime. And at the last MPC meeting, I gave data on what is being done in developed economies to shore up their economy and take them out of recession.

“Nigeria is unfortunat­ely in a very bad situation. I am not going to pretend about it, in the sense that we are facing problems about productivi­ty output, which is GDP. Luckily we managed to come out by a hair’s breadth.”

However, analysts, in separate interviews with THIS DAY, though warned that a sustained policy of printing the currency, if not well managed, would hurt the economy - further opined that currency

is not entirely bad and remains at the discretion of the apex bank.

Managing Director/ Chief Executive, Dignity Finance and Invest me mt Limited, Dr. Chijioke Ekechukwu, pointed out that printing of currency was often one of the “ways and means” activities of the CBN which could be used at its discretion.

He, however, clariÀed that, “giving out loans is not the same as printing.”

He said: “The CBN has a myriad of functions, one of which is minting and printing of currency. CBN does and executes this function only when it is absolutely necessary. Every country does this as the need arises.

“It is not an activity that is usually made public when in place. I therefore condemn the public proclamati­on made recently by the public o΀cer who was supposed to exercise caution.

“One of the dangers of printing of currency at will, is that it creates and causes inÁation. But when there is revenue shortfall, it may be relied upon to fund certain local expenditur­es.”

Also, Managing Director/Chief Executive, Credent Investment Managers Limited, Mr. Ibrahim Shell eng, said the developmen­t could lead to further devaluatio­n of the currency and create further costpush inÁation, given that the country is heavily import-dependent.

He said the government would need to take some tough decisions in the future to address the impending Àscal crisis.

He said: “Essentiall­y what we are seeing is quantitati­ve easing, which is a method used by government­s to raise money outside taxation and borrowing.

“The eͿects of this will undoubtedl­y be a further devaluatio­n of the currency and create further cost-push in Á at ion as we are heavily import-dependent.”

Shelleng warned that, if the developmen­t continued, with no resultant uptick in production and growth, there might be a free fall of the naira.

According to him, Ideally, quantitati­ve easing should be used to help stimulate growth by injecting the funds raised to key growth drivers of the economy.

“However, in the Nigerian case, it is being used to fund an overbloate­d government with no resultant increase in productivi­ty.

“The worst-case scenario( which we don’ t pray for) is this leading to hyperinÁat­ion as witnessed in Zimbabwe in the early 2000 or in post-war Germany.”

Also, commenting on the developmen­t, Managing Director/ Chief Executive, SD& D Capital Management Limited, Mr. Idako lo G bola de, said the CB N has its mandate to be the federal government’ s lender, adding that it will likely be over-Ànancing the government, if it resorted to printing more Naira notes for the government.

He said: “This could mean that Nigeria presently cannot fund itself and can lead to excess pressure on the private sector for taxes.

“It could also lead to inÁation because if enough revenue is not generated through oil and other targeted revenue heads for the government to fund its activities then we could be heading towards economic disaster.”

Also, former Director-General of the West African Institute of Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM), Prof. Akpan Ekpo, stated that globally, central banks do print money as the last resort when faced with Àscal challenges.

“If you print it and don’t manage it well, you are going to have too much money in circulatio­n chasing after few goods. So, that creates inÁationar­y pressure.

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