Is Killing Police Officers a New Sport?


Today, in different parts of the country, particular­ly, in the Southeast geo-political zone, the killing of police officers appears to be the new sport, which its players appear to have seriously taken to. From Ab ia to I mo, Ebonyi,A nam bra, with the exception of Enugu, police officers have suddenly become endangered species in the Southeaste­rn part of thecountry.

Although this‘ sickening push back’ started during the# End SA RS protests, which took its root from Lagos and later replicated in other parts of the country, the rate at which the police are being killed today in the Eastern part of the country is worrisome and calls for concern.

It is bad enough that the aftermath of the# End SA RS protests had succeeded in intimidati­ng men of the Nigerian police and stifling them from being alive to their responsibi­lities, the reason it took them along time to return to their respective beats after many of their colleagues had lost their lives to the attacks by hoodlums, who had hijacked what was ordinarily a peaceful protest.

An end must come to this madness by these irreverent youths, who are taking laws into their hands and complicati­ng the already fragile peace of the society. Or is it until the federal government unleashes its venom on them like the military did recently in a community in Benue State, where about 11 of their men were killed and used the excuse to level up the place.

It’s time for common sense to prevail. Let the opinion and community leaders in the South-east speak to their youths to stop this madness. It is nothing but sheer madness. The assumption that the federal government is vulnerable at the moment and as such, could get away with these crimes is delusional. Whatever their grievances, they are going about it the wrong way. Certainly!

 ??  ?? Acting IG, Usman-Baba
Acting IG, Usman-Baba

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