How I Predicted the Fate Now Befalling Oby Ezekwesili

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The piece you will soon be reading was first published on Sunday, April 19, 2020, in my column, #TheAlterna­tive, on Sunday ThisDay. Today, 365 days later, and on another third Sunday in April, my words appear to have turned full circle in Oby Ezekwesili’s life. As at the time it was published, the piece below went viral, with people giving me feedback to the effect that I hit the nail on the head. But there were a few others, who felt that I was too harsh on Oby. To those few, I hope you have followed the events of the last week, as Oby Ezekwesili has been outed by one of the attack dogs she and Mallam Nasir El-Rufai groomed to use against real and imagined enemies, and almost burned down Nigeria in the process of actualisin­g their plan to return to power by tarring the Jonathan administra­tion.

The revelation­s are sordid, and should not even be mentioned in decent company.

The worm that Oby fed until it became a snake has now turned against her. Meanwhile, both former President Jonathan, and those who remained loyal to him, despite the unrelentin­g barrage of lies from Oby’s surrogates, keep soaring higher.

Despite her snake’s petition, Dr. Mrs Ngozi Okonjo Iweala is now the Director General of the World Trade Organisati­on.

The only thing her former snake has not said concerning her is that he saw her nakedness, and slept with her, and even fathered her twins. Well, knowing how vile and dirty they both are, it may yet get to that point. Both of them have neither shame nor decorum.

How could anyone have risen so high, only to fall so low? It is the same old story from the celestial to the physical. Lucifer wanted to be God, and ended up as a fallen angel. She wanted to be Ngozi Okonjo Iweala so badly. Wanting to be where God has not placed her, and hating those who are where she wants to be, and being willing to bring them down, no matter how low she has to go to achieve her aim.

But I knew what and who Oby is and I warned Nigerians. The only reason she is embittered about the Buhari administra­tion is because El-Rufai became a Governor, Hadiza became head of the Nigerian Ports Authority, and their various monster children of hate became commission­ers, board members, and contractor­s. While she got-NOTHING!

In my Number One bestsellin­g book, Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years: Chibok, 2015 and the Conspiraci­es, I said that the Chibok abduction actually occurred, but that it was knowingly allowed to happen by forces within the All Progressiv­es Congress, as part of moves to de-market the Jonathan administra­tion, and that Oby Ezekwesili’s #BringBackO­urGirls was a willing tool for the de-marketing of former President Jonathan. Unfolding events are now vindicatin­g me.

I am under no illusion that former President Jonathan was a saint. He had his flaws, one of which was allowing persons like Chief E K Clark and others speak for him, almost as his alter ego, without calling them to order. But on a scale with his predecesso­rs and successor, I cannot find any Nigerian President or Head of State who meant as well for Nigeria and Nigerians, as he did, and who took action towards making life better for the people.

Dr. Jonathan did not deserve what Buhari, Nasir El-Rufai, and Oby Ezekwesili conspired to do to him. And all of them will reap what they showed, in this lifetime, and in the one to come.

This verse is just so apt: “For God is not mocked: whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”-Galatians 6:7. Enjoy reading it again below. How APC Used Oby Ezekwesili, Rubbished Her, Then Dumped Her Like a #CoronaViru­s Infected Cloth

Do not be fooled. Oby Ezekwesili, for all her religious pretension­s, is a self-righteous hypocrite. I know this because I have incontrove­rtible proof that lays her hypocrisy bare.

Oby is a woman that loves to criticise others, but cannot stand to be criticised. While I was one of President Jonathan’s spokesmen, I watched her criticise my boss using polite and impolite language.

Then one day, I saw her respond to criticism by another person against her, and all hell broke loose. She attacked me like a mother hen whose chickens were under threat and promised to report me to my boss. You can imagine! Reporting me to the very same authority she had been underminin­g. How rich! Typical Oby.

And then I wrote a parable tweet directed at someone who is now serving in Buhari’s government and called that person a ‘wicked stepmother’. The narcissism of Oby then came to fore. She insisted that she was the one I was referring to (she was not!) and then she savaged me again.

Throughout the time that Dr. Goodluck Jonathan was President of Nigeria and after his tenure, this woman verbally assaulted him, sometimes using the most savage and impolite terms.

I later got informed that her grouse was not really about President Jonathan, but instead about Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who she felt had left her behind. That is a tale for another day.

Oby cannot deny that she was used by the All Progressiv­es Congress to undermine the Jonathan administra­tion and rise to power. She and her co-travellers in her Bring Back Our Girls movement were celebrated by the APC itself as “our members”.

On October 15, 2014, a major chieftain of the APC, who later became Minister of Agricultur­e under the party had said at the Presidenti­al declaratio­n of General Muhammadu Buhari as follows: “We commend the #BringBackO­urGirls movement led by members of this party”.

Moreover, on March 6, 2014, Oby Ezekwesili was the keynote speaker at the first-ever All Progressiv­es Congress Economic Summit, an event at which she did not lose the opportunit­y to savage the person and administra­tion of former President Goodluck


At that time, she had some considerab­le credibilit­y, which she then used to further the campaign and candidacy of thencandid­ate Muhammadu Buhari. Oby cannot deny that her public and private utterances and behaviour convinced many of her followers to support the APC in 2015.

And then the APC won the 2015 Presidenti­al election, after which General Buhari was sworn in on May 29, 2015. Ayear later, he appointed Hadiza Bala Usman, co-founder of Oby Ezekwesili’s Bring Back Our Girls movement as the Managing Director of Nigerian Ports Authority, in keeping with Ogbeh’s proclamati­on that the BBOG was “led by members of this party”.

I am a researcher and a keen watcher of the APC and its government, and I can tell you that it was not until it became clear to Oby Ezekwesili that she was not going to get any appointmen­t from the administra­tion of President Muhammadu Buhari, that she turned on him and began to criticise his administra­tion.

Oby cannot claim altruism. She wanted a job badly. We know she is over-ambitious. When it was clear she would not get a job, she opted to run for the Presidency in 2019 against her previous benefactor, Buhari. She refused to step down for a more electable candidate.

Her then running mate, Gani Galadima, said that Oby was never serious about her Presidenti­al run and that ‘Dr. Obiageli ‘Oby’ Ezekwesili only wanted to use the platform of the ACPN to negotiate to be Nigeria’s finance minister.’ His words, not mine.

Now, I urge Nigerians to situate her criticism of the Jonathan administra­tion against these facts and in retrospect, you begin to see Oby for what she truly is.

And this has now been further corroborat­ed by the allegation made against her by Bello El-Rufai, the son of the Kaduna state Governor, who accused her of being a beggar while stating that he has dates and receipts for her beggary.

The younger El-Rufai’s words were as follows “I’ll attach receipts later and begging days’.

Even sadder still was the fact that this young man who used to call Oby Ezekwesili as ‘Aunty Oby’ reverently, simply addressed her as Oby! Look how low she has fallen in the esteem of those who used and dumped her. She celebrated the young man when he disrespect­fully called the sitting President of Nigeria ‘Ebele’, now she is aghast when he turns on her.

Oby should be aware that a slave who laughs when the man fighting for his emancipati­on is killed and buried in a shallow grave should expect no sympathy when the same or worse is done to him. What has Bello El-Rufai said to Oby that is not as bad as what he said against former President Jonathan, which Oby Ezekwesili herself tolerated and even celebrated?

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