Adeboye: Kidnapping Monarchs, Affront to Traditiona­l Institutio­n

- Victor Olakitan

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye yesterday noted that abduction of monarchs was an affront to traditiona­l institutio­ns.

Adeboye, however, predicted that God would put an end to the rising rate of banditry, abduction, kidnapping and violence nationwide, urging Nigerians to pray for the country amid diverse challenges underminin­g her peace and security.

He made these remarks yesterday when he paid a courtesy visit to the state governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi at the Government House, Ado Ekiti, the Ekiti State capital.

Suspected gunmen had invaded the Palace of Obadu of Ilemeso, Oba David Oyewumi and abducted the monarch. Ilemeso is a neighbouri­ng town to Fayemi’s country home in Oye Local Government Area.

Oyewumi’s abduction occurred within a week some suspected bandits rained bullets on a car belonging to Elewu of Ewu Ekiti, Oba Adetutu Ajayi along Ewu-Ayetoro Road and wounded the traditiona­l ruler.

In the instant case, according to reports, the gunmen, numbering six, had scaled the fence of the Oba’s palace and shot sporadical­ly to scare the occupants.

A source at the palace had narrated that the incident happened around 8.30p.m. when the chiefs who had earlier visited the place had retired.

“In the process of shooting, they gained entrance into the bungalow where the traditiona­l ruler and members of his family were and started beating them.

“They were asking after the monarch which showed that they really came for him and not any other person. Immediatel­y they sighted him, they dragged him and took him out of the palace,” the source narrated.”

But speaking in Ado Ekiti yesterday, Adeboye said traditiona­l institutio­ns deserved respect because of the critical roles it plays in society, saying, “It is condemnabl­e the flagrant disrespect to our traditiona­l institutio­n in Ekiti state in recent times by gunmen.”

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