Businesses, Citizens Reeling under Multiple Taxes, Says PDP

- Oluchi Chibuzor

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Lagos State, yesterday alleged that individual­s and corporate businesses in the state were reeling under the burden of multiple taxation.

Consequent­ly, the main opposition party claimed that the future of young people in the country, especially in Lagos State, “is not only dim but has become hopeless and hapless due to a hostile economic environmen­t.

The Chairman of Lagos PDP, Mr. Deji Doherty expressed this concern during a recent virtual town hall meeting, kicking against what he described as illegal and multiple taxes imposed on individual­s and corporate bodies in the state.

Doherty said the administra­tion of Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu “has caused a negative impact on business and commercial activities and made life miserable for the people in the face of a global pandemic.

“The economic hardship Nigerians are going through brought about maladminis­tration and mismanagem­ent of public resources by political leaders in the state coupled with the global pandemic,” the party chairman said.

He challenged Sanwo-Olu to look into so many illegal and multiple taxes being collected by force from Lagosians in every nook and cranny of the state.

Doherty alleged that some unscrupulo­us agents “are working for a few political power holders,” describing such acts as unlawful against the citizens, which he said can cripple the economy of any country.

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