Ekiti Receives 40,000 Doses of COVID-19Vaccines

- In Ado Ekiti

Victor Ogunje

Ekiti State Government has taken delivery of another 40,000 doses of AstraZenec­a vaccines from the National Primary Health Care Developmen­t Agency (NPHCDA).

In a statement made available to journalist­s in Ado Ekiti, yesterday, the state Commission­er for Health, Dr. Oyebanji Filani, said the delivery of the second consignmen­t of the 40,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines would enable the state to continue inoculatin­g its residents against the virus.

The commission­er said the consignmen­t would be deployed in the 16 local government areas of the state to give those at the hinterland­s to have access.

He noted that “52,960 doses of the vaccines earlier delivered to the state were duly utilised. We are committed to providing quality and accessible health-care for our people.

“The state would leave no stone unturned towards ensuring that people in the state are aptly vaccinated against COVID-19.

“I advise residents of the state to take advantage of the government gesture to get vaccinated, because getting immunised remained the most effective way to check the virus.

“I also appeal to the people to continue adhering to required public health and social measures outlined by the government to curtail the spread of the virus.

“It is still necessary and sacrosanct to wear facemask in public gatherings, maintain hand hygiene through proper hand washing, use of alcohol based sanitizers and social distancing even after receiving the vaccines.”

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