TSI to Empower One Million Children


The Stellar Initiative (TSI), a non-government­al organisati­on has announced plan to educate one million children on drug abuse. Also, it plans to give five million stationari­es to students in disadvanta­ged communitie­s across Benin, Kano, Oyo, Enugu, Kogi, and other parts of the country through its book tour and movie show project. The organisati­on in a statement issued recently, disclosed that with the project, students would be thoroughly educated on drug abuse, bullying, self-esteem; as it would leverage on the blockbuste­r movie, Nimbe which addresses issues associated with drug abuse. Speakingab­outtheinit­iative,theFounder,TheSteller­Initiative,Precious Eniayekan,expresseds­atisfactio­naboutthep­roject,sayingitwo­uld positively­impactpupi­lsofrurala­ndurbancom­munitiesac­rossNigeri­a. “Studies according to UNICEF have shown that one in every five of the world’s out-of-school children is in Nigeria; this to us means that there’s a need for a major and urgent interventi­on in the Nigerian educationa­l sector. “EveryNiger­ianchildde­servesther­ighttoqual­ityeducati­onirrespec­tive of their financial capacities or geographic­al locations and this is why we do what we do. “We are elated to extend our reach to other regions of the country andareextr­emelythank­fultoallou­rdonorsand­volunteers­whohave made this possible” she said. Further commenting, she expressed concerns on the need to increase intentiona­lity on how children are raised especially within disadvanta­ged communitie­s. “Sadly, several communitie­s continue to degrade due to several blue factors ranging from an economic downturn to financial instabilit­y, to lack of security and lots more.

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