Okowa, Tambuwal, AbdulRazaq, el-Rufai, Urge Prayers against Security Challenges

- John Shiklam in Kaduna, Omon-Julius Onabu in Asaba and Hammed Shittu in Ilorin

Delta State Governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa; Sokoto State Governor, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal; as well as Governors Nasir elRufai of Kaduna State and AbdulRahma­n AbdulRazaq of Kwara State have saluted Muslims on the occasion of the Eid-el-Fitr festival and called for prayers against security challenges.

Okowa, in a statement yesterday by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Olisa Ifeajika, in Asaba, the state capital, urged Muslims and Christians to intensify prayers to complement federal and states' government­s’ efforts at ending insecurity.

He charged Nigerians to also pray for peace for the nation and to avert a possible third wave of COVID-19 pandemic.

He urged Muslims to extend the spiritual benefits of Ramadan, which were love, peace and justice, to their daily living "as through this, they will be contributi­ng to the developmen­t of the nation."

Tambuwal also felicitate­d with Nigerians and urged them to pray against insecurity and COVID-19 pandemic.

The governor, in a broadcast yesterday, thanked the people of the state for their continued prayers and support for his administra­tion.

He said: "Allow me to use this opportunit­y to thank you all for your continuous support and cooperatio­n in running the affairs of our dear state. Suffice it to say that it had been challengin­g to all of us and the world at large as we battle with the COVID-19 pandemic and its concomitan­t problems that affected the world economy. We remain ever grateful to Allah (SWT) for his innumerabl­e favours and pray that all those who lost their lives have attained the position of martyrs."

He added that the nation is passing through challenges such as insecurity and economic hardship and enjoined them to pray for the country.

Also, el-Rufai praised the spirit of sacrifice and resilience displayed by Muslims in Kaduna State during the fasting period.

In an Eid-el-Fitr message, the governor congratula­ted Muslims on the successful completion of Ramadan and prayed that “Allah will bless the immense sacrifices that are being made.’’

The governor, in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Communicat­ion, Mr. Muyiwa Adekeye, urged Muslims to keep hope alive and to celebrate Eid el-Fitr in compliance with public health guidelines prescribed to protect everyone from COVID-19.’’

The statement appealed to all communitie­s in Kaduna State to uphold peace and harmony.

In his message, AbdulRazaq called for tolerance, mutual love and understand­ing among Nigerians to ensure peaceful co-existence and developmen­t.

The governor, during an interactio­n with reporters in Ilorin shortly after Eid-elFitr prayers, said: "Nigeria is our fatherland. It is the only country we can call our own.

"On this day and always, I join patriots to rally our people behind the singular agenda of mutual love, peace, unity and harmony".

The governor emphasised the need for the citizens to embrace one another for peace to reign in the state and the country.

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