Political Leaders Unite to Save Nigeria

Businessma­n and presidenti­al candidate in 2019.general election, has called on political leaders and other stakeholde­rs to unite and save Nigeria from imminent collapse


Gbenga Olawepo-Hashim

ore than ever before, now is the time for political leaders in the country, irrespecti­ve of their political or ideologica­l leanings, to put heads together in order to agree on a workable agenda to stabilize our bleeding nation. In the past, we have worked with Nigerian patriots from sections of the country. This effort to forge broad based alliances and understand­ing has been the hallmark of our engagement in politics over the years. We demonstrat­ed this with the Peoples Trust, the party on whose ticket we contested the 2019 Presidenti­al election.

More than any other Presidenti­al aspirant in that contest, we painstakin­gly went through a rigorous process of reconcilia­tion with the Igbos, of course the Chairman of our party, Mr. Olisa Agbakoba and my running mate, the late Dr. Arthur Nwankwo are eminent Igbos. The Forum of Middle Belt Leaders decided to back me after a thorough screening process. In the North-west, my ancestral heritage was a big factor. Leveraging on the support of the Awolowo dynasty really helped our campaign in the South-west.

Therefore, as always, I am once again reiteratin­g my believe in a united and indivisibl­e Nigeria. Despite the ominous signs that are everywhere, unfortunat­ely many are still carrying on as if it is business as usual, while it is not!

The nation is on fire and we must put it out right now! Nigeria’s political leaders across political lines in government and out of government must urgently arrive at a consensus to secure the country and return it to a path of peace and unity so as to give hope to the citizens who desperatel­y need to be assured that their father land can still work for them.

The challenges confrontin­g Nigeria are larger than any particular party in government or in opposition, they are bigger than any group’s interest or ambition, they require the goodwill of all patriots to resolve, and our best collective wisdom as a people.

On our own part we recommende­d a six point agenda as a pathway to security and peace in our land. Please permit me to restate them .

Establish a Defence Co-operation Agreement (DCA) with a friendly nation to halt the enemy’s advance. Those who are fighting Nigeria are from all over the world, the enemy is multinatio­nal in its compositio­n.

We must put our house in order by resolving internal wrangling through dialogue, fairness, and justice.

We must have a broad-based cabinet that can inspire hope, efficiency, and national unity.

We must immediatel­y create the framework for states and local government­s to have their own police.

All states should have concurrent jurisdicti­on over mineral resources within their state and pay taxes to the federal purse.

We must decentrali­ze electricit­y generation, transmissi­on via local grid and distributi­on. This should be on the concurrent list.

Time is running out for orderly resolution of the issues giving leadership on a road-map for peace and security at this critical time is the least we owe our people who have suffered to much deprivatio­n.

Every leader must get up to be counted.

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