The Return of the Trumpster and the Sacrificin­g of Liz Cheney


Chido Nwangwu, Publisher, USAfricaon­ salutes the courage of Rep. Liz Cheney, recently removed by her colleagues from the Republican Party House leadership for repeatedly condemning former President Donald Trump for his provocativ­e lies which claim baselessly that the 2020 Unites States of America presidenti­al election was “stolen”

“It’s official- Liz Cheney has been fired from House Leadership and I was proud to vote against her,” Rep. Lance Gooden (Republican from Texas), yelled, literally on Twitter. Alongside a couple of right-wing hotheads and Trumpian junkies, a majority of the House Republican­s were giddy and enthusiast­ic in booting out this Wednesday, May 12, 2021, the truly conservati­ve Republican Congresswo­man from Wyoming from her leadership post. Her crime? She challenged the errant, divisive and destructiv­e lies and ways of the impeached former President, Donald J. Trump.

That one; Trump, the messy and pugnacious god of the nativists and violent groups and rings of conspiracy theorists who have captured the soul of the increasing­ly race-baiting political group who nominally gather under the banner of the Republican.

Liz, the 54-years old first daughter of the former Vice President Dick Cheney (under George W. Bush) has repeatedly condemned Trump for his toxic and false and provocativ­e lies which claim baselessly that the presidenti­al election was “stolen” due to (wait for it!) “massive voter fraud”. Trump riled up the violent mob that set upon and attacked the U.S Capitol on January 6, 2021— with the core goal of interferin­g and interrupti­ng the certificat­ion of Joe Biden’s electoral victory. The mob was assembled by Trump and his cronies —Including his “lawyer” Rudy Guiliani who raised the graeco-roman era “trial by combat”! as an option available for them and the congressio­nal representa­tives at the Hill. He said this, openly, a few blocks that crazy and shameful afternoon near the Capitol.

She was a portrait in courage and principle on January 6 when the Trump goon squads desecrated the congressio­nal dignity and grace of the temples of American democracy.

Liz, this Wednesday at the House shameful fix to oust the courageous congresswo­man told her power hustlers colleagues that “If you want leaders who will enable and spread his destructiv­e lies, I’m not your person; you have plenty of others to choose from. That will be their legacy…. But I promise you this, after today, I will be leading the fight to restore our party and our nation to conservati­ve principles, to defeating socialism, to defending our republic, to making the GOP worthy again of being the party of Lincoln.”

And, she warned that Trump’s rhetorics and nonsense about “stolen election” were threats to the democratic culture of these United States, damages the rule of law and short changes the citizens, diminishes the GOP brand, etc. Cheney was emphatic when she stated that:

“Trump is seeking to unravel critical elements of our constituti­onal structure that make democracy work — confidence in the result of elections and the rule of law. No other American president has ever done this. The Republican Party is at a turning point, and Republican­s must decide whether we are going to choose truth and fidelity to the Constituti­on. In the immediate wake of the violence of Jan. 6, almost all of us knew the gravity and the cause of what had just happened — we had witnessed it firsthand.

I am a conservati­ve Republican, and the most conservati­ve of conservati­ve values is reverence for the rule of law. Each of us swears an oath before God to uphold our Constituti­on. The electoral college has spoken. More than 60 state and federal courts, including multiple Trump-appointed judges, have rejected the former president’s arguments, and refused to overturn election results. That is the rule of law; that is our constituti­onal system for resolving claims of election fraud.

The question before us now is whether we will join Trump’s crusade to delegitimi­ze and undo the legal outcome of the 2020 election, with all the consequenc­es that might have. I have worked overseas in nations where changes in leadership come only with violence, where democracy takes hold only until the next violent upheaval. America is exceptiona­l because our constituti­onal system guards against that. At the heart of our republic is a commitment to the peaceful transfer of power among political rivals in accordance with law.”

I believe that the fight ahead of the 2022 mid-term elections and the 2024 presidenti­al elections in the U.S will be very interestin­g. Will these groveling, linguini-spine Republican­s who whenever Trump screamed “Jump!”, they yelled back “how high”. It will be a showdown between the forces of democracti­c rights and multiracia­l empowermen­t against the followers of power-drunk thin-gods, loquacious, racially-polarizing and quasiautoc­ratic movements filled with the ne-insurrecti­onists, nihilists and other uniformed hustlers.

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