GPHA Commends NPA, INTELS Facilities at Onne Port

- Stories by Eromosele Abiodun

Officials of Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority (GPHA) have commended the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) and Intels Logistics Services for the impressive facilities at their terminals at the Federal Ocean Terminal (FOT) and Federal Lighter Terminal (FLT) in Onne Rivers State.

The delegation, which was led by Director of Port of Tekoradi, Ghana, Captain Ebenezer Afadzi, gave the commendati­on during a one-day visit, to Onne Port.

Addressing the delegation, Onne Port Manager, Dr. Abubakar Dantsoho, said Onne Port is big and accommodat­es four major ‘Terminal Operators’, who are also concession­aires.

The concession­aires, he said, are: Intels Logistics Services, Brawal Oil Services, West African Container Terminal and ICTNL.

He said there are other operators in the oil and gas sector, which include West African Ventures (WAV), INDORAMA, Dangote among others.

He remarked that Intels contribute­s positively to the developmen­t of the maritime activities in the country.

He noted that they enter into concession agreement for 25 years with the company, which allows them to develop the facility, and operate same, though with options to review the agreement at the end of 25 years.

Dantsoho said that Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG), at Bonny constitute­s another huge revenue earner for NPA and Federal Government (FG).

“Onne Port is the most modern port in Nigeria. Intels came in 1988, while other concession­aire came in from the year 2006, “he added.

The Port Manager, who said he has visited ports in Ghana, commended them for the visit, and wished them well. He assured them that they will get better insight when they arrive Intels Terminal on facility tour.

In his response, Afadzi, thanked NPA for the honour accorded them, adding that Nigeria is Ghana’s big brother and have a lot they share in common.

“We are here because Nigeria is our big brother. We need help from Nigeria to grow our maritime and shipping sector. And we are here to learn a lot from your port and to see things for ourselves in Onne Port”, Capt. Afadzi said. He added that their coming is to learn what has made Onne Port thick. He requested to get more clarificat­ions on the operations of service boats and container vessels and how they help NPA to generate more revenue.

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