What is the Exit Strategy?


In a recent characteri­stic demonstrat­ion of miscue and confusion within the presidency, (which sounded more like a confession of helplessne­ss in articulati­ng a plausible exit strategy for the Muhammadu Buhari presidency), Vice President Yemi Osinbajo unloaded on the Nigerian elite for keeping mute and fiddling while Nigeria literally burns. He lamented: “If the political elite do not speak up, if we don’t see anything wrong in what is going on, if we allow it to continue to slide, we will endanger ourselves and endanger the future of our country. I know that every conflict is a result of elite failure, the elite failure to speak up and tell the truth to their communitie­s, that’s the cause of every one of these civil conflicts. So, I would urge that we speak up. I would urge that we stand for something. Sometimes it’s dangerous to stand for something. But the greater danger of course, is to keep quiet.” He was echoing the Yoruba admonition that ‘agba kii wa nilu, ki ori omo tuntun wo (It is incumbent upon elders to speak out when things are going wrong)

Osinbajo had hardly finished delivering his homily before his plea was rudely controvert­ed by the presidency on whose behalf, he labours in vain. Aiming to cow into silence the leading lights of the same national elite the presidency took recourse to the Abacha playbook and roadmap. A phantom coup plot in the making was quickly invented as the sword of Damocles against an emergent national consensus on the way forward. According to the blustering spokesman, Femi Adesina “The Department of State Services (DSS), on Sunday alerted on sinister moves by misguided elements to wreak havoc on the government, sovereignt­y and corporate existence of the country. Championed by some disgruntle­d religious and past political leaders, the intention is to eventually throw the country into a tailspin, which would compel a forceful and undemocrat­ic change of leadership. Further unimpeacha­ble evidence shows that these disruptive elements are now recruiting the leadership of some ethnic groups and politician­s around the country, with the intention of convening some sort of conference, where a vote of no confidence would be passed on the President, thus throwing the land into further turmoil. Nigerians have opted for democratic rule, and the only acceptable way to change a democratic­ally elected government is through elections, which hold at prescribed times in the country. Any other way is patently illegal and even treasonabl­e. Of course, such would attract the necessary consequenc­es”.

I don’t know for certain those the presidency had in mind when it bellowed this typically vacuous allegation but I’m privy to efforts being made by eminent Nigerians to hold a conference on the state of the nation with a view to generating and forwarding a constituti­onal review bill to the national assembly. Pray, how does following the stipulated democratic procedure for seeking constituti­onal amendment amount to plotting coup? Is it really plausible for the likes of General Yakubu Gowon, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Sultan Sa’ad Abubakar, General Abdulsalam­i Abubakar, General Ibrahim Babangida, Cardinal Onaiyekan, Professor Wole Soyinka, Professor Anya O Anya, Obi of Onitsha, Dr Edmund Dakoru, Chief Afe Babalola and prominent sociopolit­ical groups including Afenifere, Northern Elders’ Forum, PANDEF, Ohanaeze and the Middle Belt Forum to band together to foster a military take over of government and do their consultati­ons over open telephone lines and conspicuou­s physical interactio­ns? For that matter, the president was kept informed of this “coup” effort right from the get go to which he detailed a high ranking official of the presidency as liaison officer.

Tragically, Nigeria has trodden this path before and this developmen­t would have struck a sense of de javu for the convener. Under the military dictatorsh­ip of late General Sani Abacha, the contrivanc­e and orchestrat­ion of phantom coups became the choice weapon for silencing opposition and terrorisin­g the nation. This Abacha regime trademark bespeaks a primitive and callous mindset and signifies the absence of a legitimate and nationally plausible exit strategy. It is a syndrome of a loss of grip and initiative on legitimate governance by the incumbent power. It is not an excuse but at least Abacha neither seek nor obtain the consent of Nigerians to become president and owes no constituti­onal obligation to account for his deeds and misdeeds. He bludgeoned and shot his way to power and held the rest of us to ransom. The critical albatross on his neck was that his interventi­on was a preemptive coup against a popularly elected president and the reintroduc­tion of civil democratic rule. Being of little enlightene­d inhibition, groomed and grounded in the ideologica­l school of the balance of terror power politics fostered by the 1966 counter coup, there was logic to his zero sum style of military dictatorsh­ip. I refer you to the role he played in the blood soaked counter coup of 1966; the July 1975, the 1983 and the 1985 coups detat. Under the institutio­nal norm and tradition of the profession­al military rather than the political military Nigerian version, Abacha would never have attained to the officers corps. It took a few minutes in the company of his American and Russian chief of Army counterpar­ts for them to arrive at this conclusion.

In hindsight, one of the prior significan­t red alerts given by candidate Muhammadu Buhari as to the kind of president he would be was his legitimisa­tion of Abacha - that “Abacha did not steal any money” and kept on repeating this insult even as his government was lapping up the reparation of hundreds of million of dollars Abacha loot stashed away in the secretive vaults of European banks. This mindset explains the president’s impervious dispositio­n to the humongous corruption being perpetrate­d right under his nose. If he could will himself to believe that Abacha did not steal any money why would he care and act against the furious and nation wrecking theft to which the Nigerian public till has been subjected since 2015? Where is the logic in appointing the Director of Finance to the probity-challenged Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority as acting managing director upon the latter’s suspension? How would this chief executive have stolen any money without the complicity of her exchequer? Given the unpreceden­ted nepotism and tribalism in appointmen­ts to the so-called lucrative MDAs, what is the body language being remitted to these appointees other than taking a cue from the see no evil, hear no evil dispositio­n of the president towards the Abacha precedent. What a self-fulfilling prophet President Buhari has become in his dire premonitio­n that corruption will kill Nigeria if Nigeria does not kill corruption.

Other significan­t companion warnings which Nigerians ignored to their utmost peril bears repetition “I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the Sharia movement all over Nigeria”. “The declaratio­n of state of emergency in the three Northern states to fight Boko Haram is an injustice against the North”. In the light of these brazen pseudo religious parochial outbursts, it is clear that

Buhari was coming to office with a monumental grouse and sense of injustice against the North. And as president, he wasted no time and spared no concern in making the point that he had come to govern in the near exclusive interest of a constituen­cy he deemed has been denied its privileged entitlemen­t. The point to note is that the president is more the demagogue and less the genuine Islamic missioner. There is the element of the instrument­alist view of religion to his politics which panders to ethno religious sentiments only as an instrument of political mobilisati­on. And in this ploy, he has succeeded beyond measure but inevitably, the anticlimax has set in and he now has to contend with the raging fire of the smoke he ceaselessl­y stoked; the pent up mindless revolt of the famished society underclass politicise­d with religious politics. They have become the falcon that no longer heeds the falconer.

There is also the complement­ary instance of what started as a social media creation but soon attained to probable cause- given unfolding corroborat­ing evidence. A weird utility of social media dysfunctio­n in Nigeria is how it has become predictive of the Nigerian penchant of reality imitating fiction. This instance - of reality imitating fiction was the account credited to a Nuhu Ribadu (DSP)- not the Nuhu Ribadu we know as retired AIG. The claim was made that in anticipati­on of President Goodluck Jonathan steamrolli­ng his way to spurious victory in the 2015 presidenti­al election “2,000 Fulani fighters were brought in from Mali, Senegal, Niger Republic, Chad, Libya to name but a few. Further 4,000 fighters were stationed in Niger and Chad on standby.” to unleash terror and render Nigeria ungovernab­le. It then transpired that Jonathan refrained from acting to this expectatio­n and conceded victory to his opponent- thus creating the headache of what to do with the recruited Fulani insurgents. In the circumstan­ce, the employers chose to look the other way and abandoned the mercenarie­s to their fate-who then morphed into a Fulani army of occupation in sundry Nigerian locations. The rest, as they say, is history.

Without a consensual and corrective response to all these nation demolition challenges, it is in hope rather than expectatio­n that there will be a presidenti­al election come 2023. At the moment, I’m unable to see the conducive atmosphere that will guarantee the realisatio­n of this objective. Reinforcin­g the political quagmire is the independen­t variable of economic determinis­m. The prevailing regime of dire economic straits is negatively universali­sing and will exacerbate rather than mitigate the political crisis-thus creating a perfect storm scenario. I was therefore taken aback at the level of political incompeten­ce that precluded this government from seeing the utility in collaborat­ing rather than demonising the coming together of status quo stalwarts to help fashion a plausible exit strategy. To be sure there is really no viable alternativ­e to the option of restoratio­n of federalism aka constituti­onal restructur­ing. And I can put it no better than the grieving General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, the highly respected Pastor Enoch Adeboye (please accept my condolence­s sir) when he posed the equation as restructur­ing or break up. It will take the affliction of a virulent variant of political obtuseness for anyone to believe otherwise- the kind that purports to reduce the Nigerian crisis to the depredatio­ns of climate change!

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