Chief of Army Staff Hails Troops for Quelling Insurrecti­on in South-east...

- Gideon Arinze in Enugu

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Maj. Gen. Farouk Yahaya, has applauded troops of 82 Division of the Nigerian Army for quelling insurrecti­on and arson in the South-east.

Yahaya praised them during a combined special church service held in commemorat­ion of the 2021 Nigerian Army Day Celebratio­n (NADCEL) at St. Martin’s Military Catholic Church, Abakpa Military Cantonment in Enugu.

The service was to celebrate the 158 birthday of the Nigerian Army and its service to the nation and humanity.

Yahaya, who was represente­d by the General Officer Commanding the 82 Division, Nigerian Army, Enugu, Maj. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, saluted the courage, patriotism, loyalty and commitment of the troops in defence of the nation.

He congratula­ted the troops for their "exploits and achievemen­ts so far in the country especially in quelling insurrecti­on, arson and other forms of criminalit­y in the Southeast."

He said the troops had continued to make sacrifices for the peace, security and oneness of the country.

Yahaya also condoled with family and friends of fallen heroes, particular­ly the immediate families they left behind.

He said the army must take care of them and show them a sense of belonging.

"We must learn to spear little bread, money and kind words for the families of our fallen heroes.

”We must do all to take care of them and show them a sense of belonging.

“We must learn to spare little bread, money and kind words for the families of our fallen heroes.

“The government is trying but most times it is not enough. We must support them,’’ he added.

The COAS also urged officers and soldiers to ensure they protect themselves against COVID-19, adding that all non-pharmaceut­ical measures of protection must be strictly observed.

“Please, you do well by wearing your face masks, washing your hands regularly with soap in running water and observing social and physical distancing as well,’’ he said.

In a sermon, the Deputy Director, Chaplain Services (Roman Catholic), Col. Cosmas Nwankpa, said the celebratio­n called for stock-taking, sober reflection, introspect­ion and prayers for the Nigerian Army and the nation.

Nwankpa urged troops to remain focused, loyal and do all to ensure peace, security and calm return to all parts of the country.

“I want officers and soldiers to remain profession­al in the discharge of their duties and operate within the ambit of the rules of engagement to win the trust of the civilian populace,’’ he said.

The service featured special prayers for peace in the nation and protection of its leaders as well as for the success of the Nigerian Army, for retired and discharged colleagues and for the wounded, widows and orphans of the army.

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