Yoruba Global Alliance Accuses Buhari’s Administra­tion of Lawlessnes­s


The Yoruba Global Alliance has condemned the dawn raid on the Ibadan, Soka residence of Mr. Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Igboho Oosha on Thursday, July 1, 2021 and accused the administra­tion of President Muhammadu Buhari of lawlessnes­s.

The Director of Public Communicat­ions of Yoruba Global Alliance, Mr. Taju Tijani said in a statement issued yesterday that the whole nation is aware that Igboho resorted to self-help due to Fulani herdsmen’s widespread lawlessnes­s, farm invasion, maiming, raping, kidnapping, and killing of Yoruba people in their own ancestral land. The group also stressed that all the agitations by Igboho had been peaceful and his awareness rallies conducted without violence, killing or bloodshed.

“The Yoruba Global Alliance unequivoca­lly condemns this irrational surrender to barbarism, lawlessnes­s, and the flagrant abuse of the fundamenta­l human right of Mr. Sunday Adeyemo. It is becoming a norm under the Presidency of Muhammadu Buhari that gangsteris­m, knee jerk reaction, brutality, and suppressio­n of the inalienabl­e right of Nigerians to peaceful protest have become the standard yardstick to measure his administra­tion.”

“In the place of respect for democratic mores, President Muhammadu Buhari has developed a strange fascinatio­n for militarism, haughty disdain for other nationalit­ies that form this federation and ongoing state criminalit­y which bothers on dictatorsh­ip.”

“What is becoming evident is the Muhammadu Buhari’s reflex to military diktat at the whiff of opposition and the brazenness of his actions that does not augur well for the peaceful co-existence of the disparate nationalit­ies that form Nigeria,” the group explained.

The Yoruba argued that selfdeterm­ination is a right endorsed by the United Nations and a constituti­onal guarantee among many nations of the world.

“So, any fatuous categorisa­tions of self-determinis­ts as criminals and troublemak­ers run counter to the spirit of democratic liberty. The Yoruba Global Alliance would like to remind Mr. President that nations are governed by laws and not by guns. Nigerians cannot be forced to cohere. This provocativ­e and howling insanity must stop.

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