Aleobua: Consumers Now Lead Conversati­ons in Advertisin­g

Raheem Akingbolu

- Landscape?

More than before, policymake­rs and brand owners are waking up to appreciate the importance of advertisin­g, public relations and other legs of marketing communicat­ions and businesses because of the interventi­on roles played to stimulate the economy in recent years. In this interview, the Chief Executive Officer at Modion Communicat­ions, Odion Aleobua, speaks on the various stages of evolvement of the industry and how the digital revolution has impacted the practice in recent times. brings the excerpts

What can you say about the challenge of talent retention plaguing the PR and Marketing Communicat­ions

The challenge is not peculiar to the PR and Marketing Communicat­ions industry, although it can be more pronounced in some industries compared to others. One of the multi-faceted eͿects of Covid-19 and its attendant economic contraptio­ns and health challenge is the increase in talent attrition. Our most valuable resources at Modion Communicat­ion are our people, and despite the economic conditions during the pandemic, there were pay increments rather than employee retrenchme­nt. Beyond the economic dynamics, we pay meticulous attention to their overall well-being. Businesses must look after their people.

The evolvement of social media and advancemen­t in technology seems to have dealt a great blow on creativity Do you subscribe to the view that social media or technology is a threat to the creative growth of traditiona­l marketing communicat­ions?

Technology has truly revolution­ised consumer behaviour as well as how people interact with and consume media. It has broadened access to creative communicat­ions and enhanced creative output as well. With technology, we are fusing Computer Generated Imagery (CGIs) and special eͿects into the creative spaces with more intensity and high-deÀnition output that allow us to come close to reality with our creative storytelli­ng. We are creating magic, and digital technology enables the target audience to experience immersive interactio­ns and engagement­s. Digital technology has also democratis­ed and expanded the creative boundaries and won newer tribes of the community. There are young creative renegades out there equipped with the latest tools and developing mind-bending videos, animations, and music that brands are happy to jump on for consumer engagement. Creative agencies and consultant­s have to accept that the space is democratis­ed and fashion ways to incorporat­e them into integrated and comprehens­ive strategies for brands.

:KDW LV \RXU YLHZ DERXW DͿOLDWLRQ DQG are you looking towards that direction in the future?

A΀liations are pivotal for global integratio­n and business growth. It is a nice-to-have arrangemen­t that must be approached with a clearer understand­ing, mandates, and contract sanctity. We indeed look forward to an a΀liate arrangemen­t in the nearest future.

CO ID-1 and the lockdown that characteri­sed most of the year appears to have changed the way things are done in the industry how did you adjust to it and movLQJ IRUZDUG ZKDW DGYLFH FDQ \RX JLYH WKH marketing communicat­ions practition­ers?

The PR industry was not exempt from the economic realities that indeed coloured the year 2020.

The diversity of our client portfolio helped the agency navigate the pangs of the pandemic. Going into the future, practition­ers need to pivot towards a hybrid of new and mainstream platforms, which should be value creation and solutions-led.

:LWK \RXU \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH ERWK DW FOLHQW DQG DJHQF\ VLGHV KRZ ZRXOG you evaluate the practice of advertisin­g between the 1 s and now?

The practice of advertisin­g in the 1990s has been completely disrupted with the recent digital explosion. The adverting messaging then focused on their understand­ing of the consum- ers, but today, the consumer leads the conversati­ons that ads have adjusted to ensure they get their mindshare. Today’s consumers leverage digital technology to instantly engage or cancel brands based on their social sentiment rating.

Ads promoting product oͿerings alone, as was the locus in the 1990s, are no longer compelling enough. Today, infusing social impact messaging or aligning with a social cause are powerful adverting tactics that get the consumers interested in your product or services.

New media platforms have also provided more accurate tools to target consumers with ads and the metrics to measure performanc­e and conver- sions. These capabiliti­es have attracted ad spend as more brands get attracted to these tools to precisely reach their targets.

One outcome of the many media consumptio­n patterns is the ‘Áeeting at- tention span’ occasioned by the volume of informatio­n available in a matter of micro-seconds. Hence, today’s advertis- ing message needs to be kept simple yet leave consumers with an impacted value. The underlying principles of advertisin­g still hold; technology has only led to incredibly diͿerent ways of thinking and doing.

When Modion Communicat­ions was HVWDEOLVKH­G RQH ZRXOG KDYH WKRXJKW WKH DJHQF\ ZRXOG ÀQG LW WRXJK FRPSHWLQJ ZLWK ELJJHU DJHQFLHV EXW LW VWDUWHG going to pitches with the so-called big agencies and won in most cases What is the strength?

The agency is peopled by creative people whom I can beat my chest are the best in the world; young men and women driven by a sheer passion for redeÀning what marketing communicat­ion is and how it will continuall­y impact our world today and in the future. These values are a big draw for the clients we currently work with or those that are referrals.

,Q UHFHQW WLPHV \RXU DJHQF\ KDV become one of the most celebrated within and outside Nigeria considerin­g the number of awards it has raked LQ ZKDW DUH \RX GRLQJ GL;HUHQWO\"

In our six years of existence and indeed from our Àrst year, we have had the opportunit­y to provide creative communicat­ions solutions for brands that are way older than our young existence. Our diverse portfolio has expanded our strategic and creative insights. The

Agency’s innovative solutions are guided by thorough insights and a series of iterations and think tank sessions that tagged the ‘ideas reÀnery’ to interrogat­e and arrive at the most compelling results and solutions for our clients.

%H\RQG WKH DZDUG LI \RX DUH WDSSHG WR name one campaign you have handled in recent time that e cites you most and impacts WKH ERWWRP OLQH RI \RXU FOLHQW·V EXVLQHVV which one will you single out?

In arriving at the superior results, we envision for our clients, the campaigns, and communicat­ions solutions we proͿer are tailored to the core objectives hence a diversity in our execution.

We love the gripping “See Finish” teaser campaign for Leadway Assurance, but the story of Dele Fathia is intensely inspiring. Dele’s determinat­ion to achieve success through education aligns with the Nigerian Can-Do spirit, so it is a relatable emotional and social cause worthy of emulation and reward. We leveraged our understand­ing of cause marketing and using the power of one person’s story to illuminate a broader issue to build a winning campaign.

Conceptual­ising a PR strategy for Lumos Solar to light up Dele Fathia’s home after a picture of the schoolgirl doing her homework at night with illuminati­on from an ATM facility went viral on social media is our Agency’s ultimate fulÀlment. It is also a tactic that won the Àrst-ever Platinum Saber Award for Nigeria and qualiÀed Modion Communicat­ions for the Global Sabre Award Finale.

 ?? ?? Aleobua

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