Lexus Unveils All-New RZ, First Pure Battery EV for Global Markets


A new era begins for Lexus Battery (9V DQG WKH /H[XV (OHFWULÀHG visio, as the company unveil details of the new “RZ”, the OX[XU\ EUDQG·V ÀUVW JOREDOO\ available pure Battery EV (BEV) model. The automaker said since the launch of the RX400h in 2005, Lexus has been a pioneer of HOHFWULÀFD­WLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH OX[XU\ PDUNHW $V ZLWK WKH ÀUVW 5; K\EULG PRGHO RXU HQJLQHHUV KDYH imbued our hybrid vehicles with an excellent driving identity and environmen­tal performanc­e. In 2019, Lexus’ fundamenta­l approach toward YHKLFOH HOHFWULÀFD­WLRQ HYROYHG WKDQNV WR WKH /H[XV (OHFWULÀHG YLVLRQ /H[XV DLPV WR LQYLJRUDWH DOO guests’ authentic love for driving exhilarati­on, DQG LQ GRLQJ VR ZLOO EURDGHQ LWV /H[XV (OHFWULÀHG portfolio of hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), battery electric vehicle (BEV), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) products to exceed the needs and expectatio­ns of a more diverse set of luxury buyers.

The portfolio expansion will move Lexus toward another essential goal: The realizatio­n of a sustainabl­e global society. Lexus will contribute to the realizatio­n of D FDUERQ QHXWUDO VRFLHW\ E\ RͿHULQJ D IXOO lineup of BEVs in all categories by 2030. Five years later, Lexus seeks to attain 100 percent BEV sales globally. To meet these challenges, Lexus will rigorously improve its products, along with the expertise of LWV SHUVRQQHO E\ UHSHDWLQJ ´GULYH DQG À[µ developmen­t at Toyota Technical Center Shimoyama (hereinafte­r referred to as “TTCS”), $V /H[XV· Lexus’ ÀUVW new JOREDOO\ operationa­l DYDLODEOH base. GHGLFDWHG BEV model, the new RZ marks Lexus’ transition into a BEV-centered brand, and embodies the unique Lexus vehicle design and driving H[SHULHQFH EURXJKW RQ E\ DGYDQFHG HOHFWULÀFD­WLRQ technology. For driving performanc­e, the use of D %(9 VSHFLÀF SODWIRUP H 71*$ DV ZHOO DV D lightweigh­t and highly rigid body, has greatly evolved the fundamenta­l performanc­e of the vehicle by achieving optimal weight distributi­on through ideal placement of the battery and motor. In addition, the adoption of a new steering control and Steer-by-Wire system, along with the ',5(&7 DOOZKHHOGU­LYHV\VWHPXVLQJH­OHFWULÀFDW­LRQ technology, enables vehicle control that is faithful to the driver’s intention. An exhilarati­ng driving experience is realized, making the RZ feel like a true extension of its driver. Furthermor­e, we pursued the creation of an audio sound that seamlessly conveys vehicle condition changes to WKH GULYHU 7KHVH HͿRUWV DUH EHLQJ FDUULHG RXW DW TTCS, Lexus’ new developmen­t base, in order WR HQKDQFH WKH XQLTXHO\ /H[XV GULYLQJ ÁDYRU the Lexus Driving Signature. The exterior design expresses the seamless DFFHOHUDWL­RQ DQG G\QDPLF WRUTXH ÀOOHG SHUIRUPDQF­H VSHFLÀF WR %(9V /H[XV· LGHQWLÀDEO­H VSLQGOH JULOOH is replaced by a BEV Spindle Body which focuses RQ DHURG\QDPLF H΀FLHQFLHV RSWLPL]HG SURSRUtion­s, and style, versus serving the cooling and exhaust needs of an internal combustion engine. This styling evolution ushers in a new Lexus aesthetic and establishe­s a new design direction IRU %(9 RͿHULQJV

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