Can Nigeria Fill the Gap in Global Palm Oil Supply?

As the global market comes to terms with the recent ban on palm oil exports by Indonesia, the world’s KLJKHVW H[SRUWHU DQG DWWHQWLRQ EHLQJ VKLIWHG WR 1LJHULD WR ÀOO WKH JDS FUHDWHG E\ KHU GHFLVLRQ WKH TXHVWLRQ is: will Nigeria rise to the occasion or allo


Whenever the story of Nigeria’s postindepe­ndenceperi­od is relayed, it usually evokes a deep sense ofnostalgi­aespeciall­y when the narratives are laced with copious examples of ambitious policies of the administra­tion that took over from the colonial government.

It is such a story of nationhood where men, resources, and policies were picked, set aside, and settled for, respective­ly, purely based on merits and necessity.

Incidental­ly, part of that story is the narrative about the growth of the oil palm industry, where Nigeria competed favourably with countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, in the export of palm oil, the most produced, consumed, and traded edible oil in the world.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Nigeria was the world’s largest palm oil producer with a global market share of 43 per cent.

The country soon abandoned palm oil production when it discovered crude oil in commercial quantity. Today, it produces just 1.4 million metric tonnes of palm oil, a dismal fraction of Indonesia’s 44.5 million metric tonnes as of 2021.

While, Malaysia’s palm oil production from 2015 to 2020 respective­ly included 17,700,000 metric tonnes (MTs); 18,858,000MTs; 19,683,000MTs; 20,800,000MTs; 19,255,000MTs and 17,854,000MTs, Nigeria’s production from same period, according to Oil World, are 940,000MTs; 960,000MTs; 1,040,000MTs; 1,130,000MTs; 1,220,000MTs and 1,280,000MTs respective­ly.

Meanwhile, Nigeria’s oil palm consumptio­n from 2015 to 2020 were 2,517,000 metric tonnes; 2,480,000MTs; 2,490,000MTs; 2,523,000MTs; 2,573,000MTs and 2,591,000MTs.

Nigeria is now a net importer of palm oil; it consumed two million metric tonnes in

OHDYLQJ D GHÀFLW RI PHWULF WRQQHV according to the United States Department of Agricultur­e(USDA). Between 2012 and 2021, Nigeria imported over 4.1 million metric tonnes of palm oil, the USDA data showed.

While records showed that from 1975 to 2009, Nigeria was the second-largest recipient of World Bank funding for palm oil investment­s with six SURMHFWV RQO\ RQH SURMHFW VXUYLYHG (ͿRUWV E\ successive government­s to revitalise the sector have been unsuccessf­ul.

As Indonesia Bans Oil Palm Exports

However, as attention shifted to the oil palm exports a fortnight ago with the surprise ban on oil exports by Indonesia, analysts said the developmen­t has presented another opportunit­y for Nigeria to come back to reckoning.

The unexpected announceme­nt threatens to ZRUVHQ JOREDO IRRG LQÁDWLRQ DOUHDG\ DJJUDYDWHG by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Both countries SURGXFH PRVW RI WKH ZRUOG·V VXQÁRZHU RLO

They argued that Indonesia’s surprise ban RQ SDOP RLO H[SRUWV RͿHUV 1LJHULD D OXFUDWLYH opportunit­y to plug the gap as internatio­nal buyers scramble for alternativ­es. They noted, rather sadly that with the current level of proGXFWLRQ LW ZLOO EH GL΀FXOW IRU 1LJHULD WR VHL]H the moment in a market it once dominated.


It’s not as if the successive administra­tions have not injected money into oil palm production. For instance,in2019,thegovernm­entlaunche­da$500 million plan to increase funding to producers of oil palm through low-interest loans, to raise

domestic output by 700 per cent by 2027.

The result has been relatively better but weak. Palm oil production rose from 955,000 metric tonnes in 2015 to 990,000 metric tonnes in 2016, and one million metric tonnes in 2017. In 2018 and 2019, Nigeria’s palm oil production averaged 1.1 million metric tonnes, and then it climbed to 1.2 million metric tonnes and 1.4 million metric tonnes in 2020 and 2021 respective­ly.

According to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), if Nigeria had maintained its market dominance in the palm oil industry, the country would have been earning approximat­ely $20 billion annually from the cultivatio­n and processing of palm oil today. That’s about half the 2022 federal budget.

Indonesia and Malaysia surpassed Nigeria as the world’s largest palm oil producers in 1966, and since then, both countries combined have yearly delivered approximat­ely 80 per cent of the total global output of palm oil, with Indonesia alone responsibl­e for more than half.

7KH*RYHUQRURI&%1 0U*RGZLQ(PHÀHOH was quoted as saying that over $500,000,000 was being spent annually on the importatio­n of palm oil.

(PHÀHOH ZKRODPHQWH­GWKHVDGGHY­HORSPHQW recalled that in the late 50s and 60s, Nigeria was not only the world’s leading producer of palm oil, but it was also the largest exporter of palm oil, accounting for close to 40 per cent of the global market share.

“Despite placing oil palm in the forex exclusion OLVW R΀FLDO ÀJXUHV LQGLFDWH WKDW LPSRUWDWLR­Q of palm oil had declined by about 40 per cent from the peak of 506,000 metric tonnes in 2014 to 302,000 metric tonnes in 2017.

“This indicates that Nigeria still expends close to $500 million on oil palm importatio­n annually and we are determined to change this narrative.

“We intend to support improved production of palm oil to meet not only the domestic needs of the market but to also increase our exports to improve our forex earnings,” he was quoted as saying.

He said with the help of the state governPHQW­V 1LJHULD FRXOG UHDFK VHOI VX΀FLHQF\ LQ palm oil between 2022 and 2024 and ultimately overtake Thailand and Columbia to become the third-largest producer over the next few years.

“Aspartofou­rAnchorBor­rowersProg­ramme (ABP) and Commercial Agricultur­e Credit Scheme (CACS), the CBN will work with large corporate stakeholde­rs and smallholde­r farmers to ensure the availabili­ty of quality seeds for this \HDU·V SODQWLQJ VHDVRQ µ (PHÀHOH UHSRUWHGO\ VDLG

Managing Director, Foremost Developmen­t Services Limited and Advisor to Plantation Owners Forum of Nigeria (POFON), Mr Fatai Afolabi, while speaking at a forum organised by Malaysia External Trade Developmen­t Corporatio­n (MATRADE) in Lagos recently disclosed that “40 per cent of all palm oil plantation­s in Malaysia are owned or farmed by small-scale farmers, whereas, it is over 70 per cent small-scale owned in Nigeria.

“As palm oil has been a major factor in Malaysia, reducing poverty from 50 per cent in WKH V GRZQWROHVV­WKDQÀYHSHU­FHQWQRZ Nigeria can also achieve poverty alleviatio­n through the industry,” he said.

$IRODEL D΀UPHG WKDW WKH 1LJHULDQ ,QVWLWXWH for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) developed the Tenera hybrid, which is a globally accepted oil palm type, but despite that, Nigeria remained for too long on the wild variety, utilising poorly coordinate­d processing mechanisms and dominated (about 80 per cent of the country’s oil palm production is done) by smallholde­rs at both planting and processing levels, resulting in low output in terms of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) per hectare and palm oil extraction.

He said unlike Malaysia, Nigeria has just a little over 600,000 hectares under improved oil palm planting, with a less-establishe­d oil palm industry.

Chairman, Plantation Owners Forum of Nigeria, and Chief Executive, Aden Estates

Limited, Mr Emmanuel Ibru, lamented that Nigeria has moved from number one in the


He believes Nigeria has the labour, insisting however that there is a need for government to encourage the younger generation in the rural areas, especially the low-skilled population, to work on the farm, especially with the advent RI VRFLDO PHGLD DQG WKH JORULÀFDWL­RQ RI WKH ostentatio­us lifestyle of internet fraudsters.

´:H FDQ VFDOH XS EXW LW UHTXLUHV PRUH HͿRUW hard work, and adequate capital. To develop one hectare of oil palm, you need between $4,000 and $5,000. Also, such investment requires patient capital because the gestation period is four years. Full commercial producWLRQ FRPPHQFHV LQ \HDUV ÀYH WR VL[ 7KLV LV when a proper revenue stream comes on.”

,EUX DOVR UDLVHG WKH LVVXH RI DFFHVV WR Ànance, and the need to ensure there is the availabili­ty of land. “We have the land, but the challenge is how to take peaceful possession of the land. Even potential investors with UHTXLVLWH ÀQDQFLDO FDSLWDO ÀQG LW GL΀FXOW WR acquire land, though some states like Edo, through the Governor Obaseki-led oil palm initiative, are trying to ease the process.”

He believes there is a need to rejig the strategy to allocate or facilitate funding to small and medium-scale farmers considerin­g the gestation period of oil palm trees.

“CBN has its real sector support fund and that fund, if you read it on paper, is exactly what we require. It provides for funding for up to 10 years with a three-year moratorium on principal repayment, and nine per cent interest yearly, but the problem is that the real sector support fund does not belong to CBN. The CBN real sector support funds are from the commercial banks’ cash deposit ratio with CBN,” he said.

 ?? ?? Oil palm plantation
Oil palm plantation

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