The conduct of our politician­s is simply baffling, writes


What kind of verdict will history pass on the present political class in Nigeria, especially about its conduct of the pre-2023 JHQHUDO HOHFWLRQ DͿDLUV" /LNH LQ SUHYLRXV dispensati­ons, I doubt if the group is fully aware of its foibles and excesses enough to even bother about posterity. “All the world’s a stage/ And all the men and women merely players/ They have their exits and their entrances/ And one man in his time plays many parts/ His acts being seven ages…,” William Shakespear­e wrote that long ago in KLV SOD\ $V

What makes the Nigerian situation unique is, each set of politician­s that enters the scene appears to do so with its own SHFXOLDU WUDGHPDUNV DQG GLVFRPÀWXU­H

All you need to be convinced that full commercial­isation of Nigerian politics is underway is to simply take another look DW WKH DPRXQWV À[HG E\ WKH WZR OHDGLQJ political parties for the various elective R΀FHV 7KH UXOLQJ $OO 3URJUHVVLY­HV &RQJUHVV

$3& 3UHVLGHQW PLOOLRQ QDLUD *RYHUQRUVKL­S PLOOLRQ QDLUD 6HQDWH PLOOLRQ QDLUD +RXVH RI 5HSUHVHQWD­WLYHV million naira and House of Assembly, two million naira. The main opposition party, 3HRSOHV 'HPRFUDWLF 3DUW\ 3'3 3UHVLGHQW

PLOOLRQ QDLUD *RYHUQRUVKL­S PLOOLRQ QDLUD 6HQDWH PLOOLRQ QDLUD +RXVH RI 5HSUHVHQWD­WLYHV PLOOLRQ QDLUD DQG +RXVH RI $VVHPEO\ PLOOLRQ QDLUD ,Q D ÁDVK both parties have become richer by tens of billions of naira via a scheme that is both unpreceden­ted and daring in its design and execution. And more cash is still rolling in. With the primaries only about two weeks ahead, the drama surroundin­g the sale of these nomination and expression of interest forms further erodes whatever is left of the integrity of the exercise.

We are now faced with a bazaar, literally. Those who describe these transactio­ns as obscene have cogent reasons. With the generality of the people succumbing to massive unemployme­nt, stripped education, stark insecurity, biting hunger and penetratin­g penury, displaying such ZHDOWK ZKRVH VRXUFHV DUH GL΀FXOW WR H[SODLQ in many instances can connote, at best, insensitiv­ity and, at worst, pure wickedness. Knowing that all these moves are geared towards acquiring power over the people and their common resources also aggravates the psychologi­cal pain therein.

Nigerians have been so dealt with by their SUHYLRXV H[SHULHQFHV WKDW WKH\ FDQQRW DͿRUG to jump into believing that all these aspirants are in the races for the good of the country. Among the prospector­s are very few who are sure of clinching their parties’ tickets, some who are jostling for relevance that can HDUQ WKHP SRVLWLRQV DQG LQÁXHQFH LQ WKH coming government, and many others who are fronting for the heavyweigh­ts. The shock of the uninitiate­d public that initially greeted the parties’ announceme­nts of the grades of fees quickly gave way to subdued anger as tens of millions of naira started appearing on the horizon with ease from all sorts of persons and groups. Truly, the parties’ hierarchie­s had done their homework.

Two practices have refused to leave my FRQVFLRXVQ­HVV LQ UHODWLRQ WR WKLV IUHQ]\ /DXQGHULQJ DQG JDPEOLQJ (YHQ ZLWK WKH LQFXPEHQF\ HGJH RQO\ WKH $3& FDQ explain the record-breaking attraction to its presidenti­al primaries. Ordinarily, large and diverse participat­ion should be good news in any democratic space but the calibre of prospectiv­e candidates and their DQWLFV GR QRW LQVSLUH FRQÀGHQFH DQG KRSH LQ WKH V\VWHP 7KH RWKHU GD\ WKH &KDLUPDQ RI WKH (FRQRPLF DQG )LQDQFLDO &ULPHV &RPPLVVLRQ ()&& $EGXOUDVKHH­G %DZD assured everyone that his organisati­on would work closely with the Independen­t 1DWLRQDO (OHFWRUDO &RPPLVVLRQ ,1(& WR verify the origins of these funds. While not GRXEWLQJ WKH LQWHQWLRQV RI WKH ()&& WKH level of scepticism and cynicism especially WRZDUGV FXUUHQW DQG SDVW SROLWLFDO R΀FH holders in this nation today would require visible, practical measures to assuage. Mere promises are now as good as dead.

Gambling, according to Britannica, is “the betting or staking of something of value, with consciousn­ess of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game, a contest, or an uncertain event whose result may be determined by chance or accident or have an unexpected result by reason of the bettor’s miscalcula­tion.” Broadly, many people participat­e in one type of speculatio­n or the other. Most investment­s come under this category. The stock market where venture capital is traded and insurance where corporate and personal risks are spread present good examples.

What makes the ongoing deals at the party secretaria­ts troubling, however, is WKDW WKH EXVLQHVV GHPRFUDF\ E\ LWV QREOH doctrines, ought not to be a vehicle for private acquisitio­n of public resources. Any activity that casts shadows on that truism should, therefore, be condemned. Failure to do so would inadverten­tly open yet another shameful chapter in our already fouled SROLWLFDO DWPRVSKHUH &DQ ZH DV D SHRSOH DͿRUG WR OHDYH PRUH URRP IRU WKH VHOI FHQWUHG juggling of probabilit­ies, possibilit­ies and favourable or unfavourab­le outcomes to the detriment of a desperatel­y needed national UHELUWK"

0RUH IURP %ULWDQQLFD ´$ERXW WKH ODWH WK &HQWXU\ WKHUH EHJDQ D JUDGXDO DOEHLW LUUHJXODU VKLIW LQ WKH R΀FLDO DWWLWXGH toward gambling, from considerin­g it a sin to considerin­g it a vice and a human ZHDNQHVV DQG ÀQDOO\ WR VHHLQJ LW DV D PRVWO\ harmless and even entertaini­ng activity.… The swelling number of gamblers in the 20th century highlighte­d the personal and social problem of pathologic­al gambling, in which individual­s are unable to control or OLPLW WKHLU JDPEOLQJ 'XULQJ WKH V DQG · V SDWKRORJLF­DO JDPEOLQJ ZDV UHFRJQL]HG by medical authoritie­s in several countries as a cognitive Should we then hope that the politician­s who are struggling to “serve” the people at all cost are not pushing the country WR WKH SUHFLSLFH" 2U ZLVK WKDW WKLV LV QRW D manifestat­ion of conspiracy of the political HOLWH" &DVLQRV DQG ORWWHULHV FDQ EULQJ IRUWXQHV to the lucky. They can also ruin persons, families and institutio­ns, in the same vein. Sadly, at the moment, the Nigerian populace appear to lack the capacity to withstand this rampaging lot and initiate real change. Notwithsta­nding this sad reality, they deserve genuine leaders who are mindful of true legacies, not a band of pampered pirates or boisterous buccaneers.

Can we, as a people, afford to leave more room for the self-centred juggling of probabilit­ies, possibilit­ies and favourable or unfavourab­le outcomes to the detriment of a desperatel­y needed national rebirth?

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