- Rufai Oseni,

The recent game played by former President Goodluck Jonathan is just indicative that politician­s will be politician­s. The recent denial of any presidenti­al ambition and reversal of that a day after to concretize his interest in the race is just an indication that politician­s don’t really care about the people.

I think the Nigerian people always ascribe too much importance to politician­s but they forget the politician­s are more concerned about their own ambition and prospects than any morality the people require from them.

When the Jonathan game show started, I was quick to tell anyone that cared to listen that the former president is a politician and most politician­s have no shame and crossing to the APC that once abused him was going to be the easiest thing for him to do.

With the Daily Trust report that in fact Mr Jonathan has crossed to the APC in Otuoke ward in Ogbia LGA in Bayelsa. I am sure those that swore that Jonathan is so much a saint will now eat their words. I have always wondered why people believe a Nigerian politician so much.

I also was right to point out that reports from sources that President Jonathan was planning to run but he was looking for a concession of consensus because he didn’t have WKH ÀQDQFLDO PLJKW WR FRPSHWH +LV UHFHQW PRYHPHQWV DQG PHHWLQJV ZHUH ÀUP LQGLFDWLRQ of his intentions but most Nigerians still fell for his smokescree­n.

I must reiterate to Nigerians after this Jonathan game show that no politician is your savior and all we should enforce should be the independen­ce of our institutio­ns because that is the only strong pedestal our democracy can stand. Our politician­s will always play games and follow their ambition but it is independen­ce of institutio­ns that can help us.

In my close analysis, I must confess that Jonathan is a prime candidate not because he was former president but some sources recently out of Asaba where the upper echelon of defense recently met had copious messages about the possibilit­y of Goodluck Jonathan emerging the candidate of the cabal because if he emerges he can only do four years but importantl­y he is found to be trustworth­y by the powers that be. The singular feat of transition of power still surprises most of people in the President Buhari’s camp. As against WKH DEXVHV DQG DOO WKH HOHFWLRQ ÀJKW WKH IRUPHU SUHVLGHQW DQG WKH FXUUHQW SUHVLGHQW KDYH become friendly and they have forged a decent relationsh­ip. I have also spoken to other sources about the Jonathan ambition. It is also noteworthy that President Jonathan meeting with the APC chairman was based on his ambition. The question is, will Jonathan EH WKH ÀQDO SODQ RU DQRWKHU FDQGLGDWH PLJKW EH XVHG" , PXVW UHSHDW WKDW ZLWK SROLWLFLDQ­V nothing is cast in stone and steady decisions might change.

It has to be stated that the Jonathan show obviously has a producer and director, but most importantl­y who the scriptwrit­er is, will matter a great deal. That is why I say in the political world only deals with matter and not the interest of the people. All of this will get clearer from next week. If a deal isn’t done, then Jonathan might have to suspend his ambition because it would also be disgracefu­l for a former president to fail at getting a party ticket.

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