The Obi phenomenon has potentiall­y profound implicatio­ns for Nigeria’s politics, writes PAUL NWABUIKWU

- Nwabuikwu is a member of THISDAY Editorial Board

The Obi surge might also indicate that, despite the pungent ethnic, regional and religious flavour of our politics, there are millions of Nigerians who can rise above these primordial and sectarian considerat­ions

“I wish to tell you my voluntary retirement has been approved by @HQNigerian­Army which has paved way for me to vigorously campaign for Peter Obi as my preferred candidate of choice come 2023 insha Allah we will rescue this country”, a young man who LGHQWLÀHG KLPVHOI DV 0XVD 'DZD DQQRXQFHG on Twitter last Sunday.

In Yola, another young man, in a clip on social media, declared that he is a member of ´/LNH 0LQGV IRU 3HWHU 2EL PRELOL]HG IURP WKH 21 local government councils of Adamawa State for a rally in solidarity with Peter Obi”. He adds that since the police had not guaranteed security for their planned event, his group has decided to suspend its planned rally at a popular square, but will send a letter to the state party headquarte­rs to make a case for Peter Obi, the man they are supporting as WKH 3'3 SUHVLGHQWL­DO FDQGLGDWH

Elsewhere in other parts of the country, WKH 2QH 0LOOLRQ 0DQ 0DUFK IRU 3HWHU 2EL LV trending, as Nigerians, mainly youths from DOO WKH SROLWLFDO ]RQHV GHPRQVWUDW­H WKHLU support for a man who says that he will not bribe anybody. Obi’s strongest support understand­ably is in the south east but his DSSHDO LV VLJQLÀFDQW LQ RWKHUV ]RQHV WRR :KDW is going on?

I confess: I didn’t know Peter Obi would make such a big splash this time. I had WKRXJKW KLV JHWWLQJ RQ WKH 3'3 WLFNHW ZLWK $WLNX $EXEDNDU ZRXOG EH WKH ]HQLWK of his political prominence. Four years on, I had expected his political star to wane. How wrong I was.

In Nigeria, a country with a very short memory, a man who last served as governor 15 years ago, who is famous (or infamous, if you’re a profession­al politician with no other VRXUFH RI LQFRPH IRU Á\LQJ HFRQRP\ DQG is not a big spender, is not a prototype for political relevance. In fact, Obi’s message of SDWULRWLF SUXGHQFH DQG VDFULÀFLDO OHDGHUVKLS is not the usual formula for political success in Nigeria. Not in a system in which politics is all about money, ethnicity, regionalis­m and, of course, religion. Given the prevailing political culture, he ticks all the wrong boxes. His popularity upends the convention­al wisdom of Nigeria’s politics and suggests that the Nigerian electorate may be smarter than we think.

Even though I knew he had struck a chord with his well-received appearance­s on The Platform as well as interviews in which he articulate­d his unique gospel of hard work and patriotic frugality to rapt audiences, I thought the Obi brand as a potent politician had reached its sell by date. But it has become increasing­ly clear that to Nigerians used to the conspicuou­s consumptio­n of loud politician­s ZKRVH SRZHU LV GHÀQHG QRW E\ VHUYLFH WR WKH people but their long convoys and retinues of fawning aides, his disarming simplicity and commonsens­e message is an invigorati­ng blast of freshness. The Obi phenomenon has potentiall­y profound implicatio­ns for Nigeria’s politics and politickin­g. Here are some reasons why.

First, like already stated, his surging popularity suggests that the Nigerian voter may not be quite as jaded and greedy as many analysts say. This is particular­ly true of the younger generation which is leading the Obi revolt against seemingly settled political FHUWLWXGHV

Second, the Obi surge might also indicate that, despite the pungent ethnic, regional DQG UHOLJLRXV ÁDYRXU RI RXU SROLWLFV WKHUH are millions of Nigerians who can rise above these primordial and sectarian considerat­ions. I think one lesson that many have imbibed over the past eight years is that desperate times demand a new way of thinking. :KHQ \RX DUH LQ WKH KDUVK JULS RI KXQJHU and insecurity and tomorrow is not certain, an incompeten­t corrupt kinsman is not the ideal saviour. In that sense, Obi represents something bigger than himself. He is a metaphor for all Nigerians in all parts of the FRXQWU\ ZKR KDYH VRPHWKLQJ WR RͿHU ZKR have the vision and the capacity to contribute to a better country but who, because of the corrupt and exclusivis­t politics that has held the country down for so long, are afraid to step out. Hopefully, Obi’s courage will give them courage. It is in the interest of the country that they do.

Hopefully, the Obi phenomenon will refocus our politics away from its current godfather-dominated trajectory which SULRULWL]HV WKH SOLDELOLW\ RI SURVSHFWLY­H candidates over their capacity. It’s one of the most retrogress­ive aspects of our democracy.

The current president of Indonesia, Joko :LGRGR WKH ÀUVW RQH ZLWKRXW HOLWH SROLWLFDO and military antecedent­s was a popular high performing Governor of the country’s capital, Jakarta before his election. The current president of South Korea, Yoon Suk-yeol was a respected public prosecutor who, as Chief RI WKH 6HRXO &HQWUDO 'LVWULFW 3URVHFXWRU·V 2΀FH EHFDPH SRSXODU DIWHU WKH NH\ UROH KH played in convicting two former presidents for corruption.

In the US, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jnr were all governors who EHFDPH YLDEOH QDWLRQDO SROLWLFDO ÀJXUHV DQG ultimately US presidents based on their performanc­e.

Godfathers are not a Nigerian invention. But in more successful political systems, they usually put their clout and money behind candidates who either have shown some promise which could resonate with the public or have already achieved a measure of popularity based on their performanc­e. In Nigeria, godfathers generally pick those they can control even when they have nothing WR RͿHU ² D UHFLSH IRU SURGXFLQJ WKH NLQG RI underachie­ving disasters that dot our political landscape. Our politics needs to start growing in this people-led direction and away from the cynical godfather model. And Obi’s challenge of political orthodoxie­s, backed by his strong performanc­e as governor, is a great example in this context.

The reality is that Peter Obi’s chances of ZLQQLQJ WKH 3'3 WLFNHW DUH YLUWXDOO\ QLO +H does not have what it takes to change the geo-political realities to sway godfathers or the delegates whose political ideology can be captured on a dollar note. But his example and HͿRUWV DUH XOWLPDWHO\ JRRG IRU WKH FRXQWU\ ,W·V FKDQJH ² WKH ULJKW NLQG RI FKDQJH

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