Our students should be modelled after successful men, writes


The United States of America has had two presidents who shared limited experience­s of grooming by FATHERS. Bill Clinton’s father drowned. His mother was pregnant with him.

Baby Clinton missed being cuddled by a father; and looks into each other’s eyes. The drunken man who married his widowed mother missed shooting Clinton totally dead by a narrowness engineered by Guardian Angels.

Barack Obama last saw his Kenyan father when older Obama visited Hawaii. He was a doctoral student of Economics at Harvard University. That training would get him murdered for opposing the government of President Daniel arap Moi borrowing a

Political parties could recruit students as campaign workers at local, state and federal levels with the National Orientatio­n Agency and INEC as facilitati­ng and funding agencies

World Bank loan. His son would never see him again. He graduated from Harvard Law School. The lad spent teenage years without clapping eyes and mouths with his father.

Perhaps the absence of their fathers helped them get to the presidency of America. Their fathers ‘INVENTED’ paternal absence and approval probably drove both men to long and struggle for the highest paternal approval: roars by American people in moments of their political adulation.

More concrete factors were INVENTIONS by visionary men and interventi­ons by strong women in their lives. Obama had a mother who was determined to have her son walk on the Harvard. She would wake the little boy at Indonesia’s tropical predawn to pump lessons into his sleepy head to ensure that he would cross over barriers to top American colleges.

In later life a strong Black woman political activist led him over roadblocks into attitudes of defeat nurtured into poor African-Americans by White racism. Like Black boys in HAWAI who beat White middle class culture out of him on the rough tackles of games of Basketball, this streetwise woman mistress of Black slum culture beat out of him Harvard’s ways of thinking and social relations.

Clinton’s grandmothe­r insisted on his school grades ensuring his inclusion among boys that simulated sessions of Congress. As a School ‘SENATOR’ he travelled to Washington DC and became DWWDFKHG WR 6HQDWRU )XOEULJKW·V 2΀FH His fatherly invention of a demand that Clinton read scores of daily newspapers, and select relevant items, gave Clinton wide knowledge of American and internatio­nal DͿDLUV )RU D ODG IURP D EDFNZDUG 6WDWH WKDW knowledge later gave him easy passage into a prestigiou­s college in Washington, DC.

The men who invented this leadership breeding scheme were Clinton’s surrogate fathers. The men who invented the Harvard Law Review and the prestige attached to being its editor, were surrogate fathers of Barack Obama

These American models are worth considerin­g for possible adaptation. The ‘’NOT TOO YOUNG TO GOVERN’ law could examine the research-based policy developmen­t and presentati­on in ‘’MOCK OAU SUMMIT’ at Ahmadu Bello University; and ‘SIMULATION OF AN ASSEMBLY OF THE AFRICAN UNION’ by GIRL PRESIDENTS of PAN-AFRICA CLUB at ANGLICAN GIRLS GRAMMAR SCHOOL, in Abuja.

Attachment of students to Senators is a good candidate.

America’s founding leaders linked democratic politics to the level of informatio­n available to legislator­s and citizens. Accordingl­y, the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS was invented. In 2012 it had the largest collection of books, with 34,538,878. Houston Public Library which was ranked at number 100 among ‘’the Nation’s Largest Libraries’’, held 3,061,773 volumes.

In Nigeria the ‘’National Library has only 27 branches serving a largely illiterate population with ‘’poor reading habits’’; employing ‘’inadequate and QRQ SURJUHVVLY­H·· VWDͿ ZRUNLQJ ZLWK ‘’dilapidate­d facilities’’, and poor funding. The data on the total number of volumes held in these branches is not available.

Political parties could recruit students as campaign workers at local, state and federal levels with the National Orientatio­n Agency and INEC as facilitati­ng and funding agencies.

)HDUV E\ FRORQLDO R΀FLDOV RI FRPPXQLW\ groups for enforcing moral codes; organising collective farming activities; initiating male and female age-groups into DGXOWKRRG KDYH EHHQ UHSODFHG E\ R΀FLDO LQGLͿHUHQF­H DQG ODFN RI LPDJLQDWLR­Q Political opportunis­ts have adopted them into armed thugs for rigging elections; trading in illegal drugs; kidnapping persons to extort money as ransom, and killing villagers to drive them from land rich in minerals, including: diamond, gold, oil and fertile soils These are not inventions for developing civic virtues in youths.

Nigeria and Tanzania invented NATIONAL SERVICE Schemes for graduates of Tertiary education. The African Union should consider implementi­ng the wider vision of participan­ts from each Member State converging in EACH STATE, thereby constituti­ng a ‘Trans-Africa Guest SERVING Unit’.

On 18th June, 2022, ‘GIRL PRESIDENTS’ of African Countries presented a SIMULATION of an ASSEMBLY of the African Union in celebratio­n of Africa Day; post-humours honouring of two creative PAN-AFRICANIST­S: Dr. Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem and Professor Abubakar Momoh. Ambassador JOE KESHI (rtd), a distinguis­hed Nigerian diplomat, and father ÀJXUH SUDLVHG WKH *,5/ 35(6,'(176 DV DQ invention that is heart-lifting energy against Nigeria’s season of parasitic imports, violence and gloom.

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