There is need to create awareness on causes of cardiac arrest


The death last week of veteran journalist and Head of Human Security and Civil Society at the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Raheemat Momodu has once again raised the issue of rising number of Nigerians who suddenly die without explanatio­n. Momodu was said to be attending a meeting when she slumped and was rushed to the hospital. But she never made it. Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. While there may be QR DFFXUDWH ÀJXUHV WKH JURZLQJ UDWH RI XQH[SHFWHG natural deaths in Nigeria is worrying. We commiserat­e with the family of Momodu even as we ask the health authoritie­s to pay more attention to this phenomenon in our country.

In recent years, many young profession­als and politician­s have lost their lives to sudden death. The stories are the same: While engaged in a productive activity, they slump and die sometimes before they reach the hospital. And we hear of these cases only because the victims are prominent citizens. Several of such deaths are recorded across the country on daily basis. At a recent sensitisat­ion SURJUDPPH RQ KHDOWK LVVXHV WKH R΀FH RI WKH +HDG RI the Civil Service of the Federation expressed worries over rising cases of stroke and fatalities, especially among civil servants in the country. But so many questions remain unaddresse­d: What are the causes of unexpected natural deaths, often called sudden death syndrome? What are the predisposi­ng symptoms?

Sudden death is said to occur when a clot suddenly FXWV RͿ WKH EORRG ÁRZ WKXV SUHYHQWLQJ R[\JHQ IURP getting to the heart. This ultimately results in the loss of heart muscle. Renowned cardiologi­st and Nigerian Heart Foundation (NHF) boss, Kingsley Akinroye, GHÀQHV VXGGHQ GHDWK DV DQ ´XQH[SHFWHG QDWXUDO GHDWK due to cardiovasc­ular disease, which occurs within one hour of the onset of symptoms.” He said a major SURSRUWLRQ RI VXGGHQ GHDWK ´LV RI FDUGLDF KHDUW origin.”

The explanatio­n chimes with that of another cardiologi­st at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Idi-Araba, Amam Mbakwem. According to the professor, the causes are majorly from cardiovasc­ular disease: either a massive heart attack or abnormal electrical activities in the heart which could be either YHU\ IDVW FKDRWLF DQG LQHͿHFWLYH DEUXSW FHVVDWLRQ RI electrical activity. Meanwhile, research carried out in many of the country’s universiti­es and beyond have also establishe­d that heart failure occurs more in males than in females, while the major cause of heart failure among young people is genetic.

An autopsy review of sudden unexpected deaths in a suburban Nigerian population published recently in the journal, ‘Population Health Metrics’, revealed that cardiovasc­ular, respirator­y, central nervous system, and cancer-related causes were the major causes. The review further said that hypertensi­on-related disorders ´FRQVWLWXWH­G D ODUJH SURSRUWLRQ RI FDVHVµ HVSHFLDOO\ LQ people over 40 years, whereas infectious diseases are more common below this age. It argues that since majority of these deaths occur outside the hospital VHWWLQJ ´LW LV LPSHUDWLYH WKDW DSSURSULDW­H SXEOLF KHDOWK strategies be developed to address these issues.”

To address the increasing rate of Nigerians dying from this preventabl­e disease, awareness about the condition needs to be promoted among Nigerians, particular­ly those in the age bracket of 15 – 45 years. Most experts believe that Nigerians should be more health conscious and do routine medical checks. A healthy lifestyle is also highly recommende­d. People DUH DGYLVHG WR HDW ULJKW UHGXFH H[FHVVLYH UHÀQHG VXJDU their salt and fat intake while increasing their vegetable and fruit intake. Besides, they must stop smoking, reduce alcohol consumptio­n, reduce weight and exercise regularly. These are not foolproof measures, but they will surely help in reducing the scourge of sudden death that is assuming an epidemic proportion in Nigeria.

Most experts believe that Nigerians should be more health conscious and do routine medical checks. A healthy lifestyle is also highly recommende­d

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