HENRY UDUTCHAY celebrates excellence at the Nigerian Correction­al Service A WINNING HAND

- Chief Udutchay writes from Abuja via hochay2000@yahoo. com, 0809111125­0

A historic event took place in the nation recently that beamed a spotlight on the institutio­n of government now known as the Nigerian Correction­al Service, formerly the Nigerian Prisons Service. The event, which was the award of National honours to three individual­s who have used their expertise to put the institutio­n on the global map due to their outstandin­g achievemen­ts, has gone on to prove that excellence indeed deserves to be rewarded. The President, Muhammadu Buhari honoured one past and two present R΀FHUV RI 1LJHULDQ &RUUHFWLRQD­O 6HUYLFH DW the recently held National Awards Ceremony which included former Controller General, Ja’afaru Ahmed; the incumbent Correction­s boss, Haliru Nababa, as well as the Deputy Controller of Correction­s in charge of NonCustodi­al Measures, Ahmad Muhammad Tukur, in appreciati­on of their patriotic and VHOÁHVV VHUYLFHV WR WKH FRXQWU\

The retired Controller General, Ja’afaru $KPHG ZDV DZDUGHG WKH R΀FHU RI WKH 2UGHU of the Federal Republic (OFR) for his positive impact in the Nigerian Correction­al Service; some of which are lobbying for the enactment of the Nigerian Correction­al Service Act, as well as capacity building in the areas of PDVVLYH VWDͿ WUDLQLQJ DQG UHWUDLQLQJ SURYLVLRQ of operationa­l facilities, and initiating the building of six units of 3000 capacity mega custodial centres across Nigeria. The President honoured the current Controller General, Haliru Nababa with Member of the Order of the Federal Republic (MFR) for continuing with WKH GHYHORSPHQ­WDO HͿRUWV RI KLV SUHGHFHVVR­U IDFLOLWDWL­QJ WKH PDVVLYH FRQVWUXFWL­RQ RI VWDͿ KRXVLQJ HQKDQFLQJ RͿHQGHUV· ZHOIDUH DV ZHOO as fast tracking the implementa­tion of the Nigerian Correction­al Service Act 2019; one of the great legacies of his tenure to date. On his part, the Deputy Controller General, Ahmad Tukur, was also decorated with the Member of the Order of the Federal Republic (MFR) for improving security in custodial centres and promoting robust synergy between the Service and other security agencies.

The story of the newly enacted Nigerian Correction­al Service Act would not be complete without the mention of these great men who have impacted greatly in ensuring that something that looked like a dream, KDG ÀQDOO\ FRPH WR UHDOLW\ 0RVW ZRUWK\ RI note among the awardees is the incumbent Correction­s boss, Controller General Haliru Nababa, a no-nonsense performer not given to partisan politics. His approach to work is not new to those who knew him closely or those who are privileged to work with him, or even those who have been observing him since he took over as the Controller General of the Correction­al Service in February 2021. This is why the timing of the award couldn’t have come at a better time. It might be interestin­g to note that since taking over till date, Controller

General Haliru Nababa, has overseen a great deal of reforms and impacted tremendous­ly in the Correction­al Service. His giant strides within a short time of holding sway as the Correction­s boss perhaps culminated in his being bestowed the honour. Thus, it is believed that the honour will spur Haliru Nababa, with support from his De puty Controller General, Ahmad Tukur, to dig in and do more to take the Service to greater heights. As the saying goes, to whom much is given, much more is desired. Anyone who was remotely familiar with the then Prisons

Service will understand that implementi­ng the Nigerian Correction­al Services Act was no mean feat. Controller General Haliru and his team have done a tremendous job and they deserve all the accolades. This will be one of his main legacies as the head of the Correction­al Service.

The Act, which repeals the Prisons Act of 2004 and gives Nigerian Correction­al Services the powers to address issues that were not covered in the old Act, is a complete document that totally ushers in a new dawn in Nigerian Correction­al Services. Controller General Haliru 1DEDED KDV DOVR PDGH VWDͿ ZHOIDUH another important legacy he wishes to leave behind, by overseeing one of the ODUJHVW VWDͿ KRXVLQJ VFKHPH WKH 6HUYLFH has witnessed till date. Most of the strides achieved by Haliru are not unconnecte­d with the fact that he took over from a performing former Controller General too, in the person of Ja’faru Ahmed, which is why it was not a surprise to see the exCorrecti­ons boss also being recognised by Mr President for the national award. Controller Haliru Nababa joined as an Assistant Superinten­dent of Prisons in 1990 and rose through the ranks to become Assistant Controller General of Correction­s in 2018. He headed many formations prior to him becoming the Prisons boss LQ ZKLFK LQFOXGHV 2΀FHU LQ &KDUJH of the Wurno Satellite custodial Centre, Sokoto; Nguru Custodial Centre, Yobe; Mubi Custodial Centre, Adamawa State, and Sokoto Central Custodial Centre, Sokoto State between 2016 and 2019. His last position before he was appointed as the Controller General was as Head of the Directorat­e on Finance and Accounts. To honour the award recipients, the Correction­al Service on its own held a reception to appreciate their illustriou­s sons who have brought honour to the Service, at the Dambazzau Conference Centre.

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