Gbajabiami­la convenes education summit in a bid to resolve the ASUU impasse, writes AKIN OMOWALE

- · Shuaibu is a member of THISDAY Editorial Board

Education is too important to be toyed with. The United Nations Education, 6FLHQWLÀF DQG &XOWXUDO 2UJDQL]DWLRQ (UNESCO) avers that education transforms lives and it is a great tool for eradicatin­g poverty. According to the global body, education can uplift millions in poverty territory into the region of comfort. This is known as social mobility. In fact, UNESCO stipulates allocation of 15 - 20 percent of the total developing nations’ budgets for education.

The pivotal role education plays in the socio-economic developmen­t of the nation made the Speaker, House of Representa­tives, Rt Hon. Olufemi Hakeem Gbajabiami­la to wade into the crisis plaguing the sector, in particular the industrial action embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universiti­es (ASUU). It took the patriotic moves and interventi­on of the speaker for the striking University lecturers to return to classrooms after withdrawin­g services IRU HLJKW PRQWKV RYHU XQIXOÀOOHG agreements they had with the federal government.

7KH VSHFLÀF GHPDQGV RI $688 DUH DV follows: Funding for the revitalisa­tion of public universiti­es. The federal government, in its agreement entered with the union in 2009 and 2013, agreed to inject a total of N1.3 trillion into public universiti­es in six tranches, starting from 2013. Only N200 billion has been released since 2013. Payment of earned academic allowances (EEA). The federal government had in 2019 agreed to pay lecturers EAA, but failed to implement LW 7KH JRYHUQPHQW ÀQDOO\ DJUHHG WR SD\ WKH ÀUVW WUDQFKH RI WKH EDFNORJ RI allowances in November 2019 and the second instalment by August 2020, but nothing was paid. In 2020, the federal government agreed to pay N40 billion. It also said it has released N22.127 billion earned allowances of both academic and non-academic workers of universiti­es to 38 universiti­es. Reconstitu­tion of the FGN/ASUU 2009 Renegotiat­ion Committee. The federal government agreed to renegotiat­e the 2009 agreement to review university’s conditions of service, funding, university autonomy and academic freedom. The conditions of service included a separate salary structure for university lectures to be known as ‘Consolidat­ed University Academic Salary Structure’. Thirteen years later, the government inaugurate­d a seven-man committee to renegotiat­e the 2019 agreement, led by Nimi Briggs. Adoption of UTAS. ASUU kicked against the introducti­on of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Informatio­n System (IPPIS), and wants the government to accept its own UTAS.

Also ASUU wants: the constituti­on of visitation panels. The union is demanding that the government ought WR YLVLW LWV XQLYHUVLWL­HV HYHU\ ÀYH \HDUV according to the law, but the last visit was conducted in January 2011. The Nigerian JRYHUQPHQW­ÀQDOO\LQDXJXUDWH­G SDQHOV for 36 universiti­es, six for 25 polytechni­cs, DQG ÀYH IRU FROOHJHV RI HGXFDWLRQ The union is calling for the review of the Nigeria Universiti­es Commission (2004) Act to tackle the proliferat­ion of universiti­es. Withheld salaries and non-remittance of check-off dues. These are contained on December 22, 2020 Memorandum of Action. ASUU accused the federal government of deducting check-off dues on behalf of the union and refused to remit the same between February and June 2020 and 26 percent budgetary allocation to the education sector. In a bid to improve the education sector, the union wants 26 percent of Nigeria’s annual budget to be allocated to education, and half of that allocation to universiti­es. The above demands were partly met with commitment to gradually improve on sundry matters raised by the lecturers.

While, the parley brokered by Speaker Gbajabiami­la was getting through, the federal government on its part stuck to its decision on ‘No Work, No Pay’; the October salaries of lecturers were paid on pro-rata basis. The action expectedly angered lecturers.

To forestall another round of ugly industrial action, Gbajabiami­la, who was the chief mediator between federal government and ASUU waded in. He assured that the needful will be done by the federal government, while urging the lecturers to also show understand­ing.

In furtheranc­e of this, and in order to ÀQG D ODVWLQJ VROXWLRQ WR WKH QDJJLQJ matters, he convened the education summit on the state of tertiary education in Nigeria that is scheduled to hold on November 22 and 23, 2022.

Gbajabiami­la, in his welcome remarks at the resumption of plenary on Monday, said the summit will “begin the long overdue national conversati­on.” According to him, stakeholde­rs including scholars, tertiary education administra­tors, are billed to submit papers for presentati­on.

“The presentati­ons and submission­s will inform the policy recommenda­tions of the summit and be published in a journal for policy action and academic reference. So far, public interest both within and outside Nigeria has been impressive. We must ask and answer complex questions about the operating structure of our public tertiary institutio­ns, sustainabl­e funding, education quality and access”, Gbajabiami­la said.

What Gbajabiami­la has shown is called pragmatic leadership. He has consistent­ly displayed his dexterity as a national leader that can be trusted. Many Nigerians who have lost hope in the leadership of the country, have gradually started having a change of mind that all hope is not lost.

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