Eyitayo Jegede Takes Akeredolu to the ‘Cleaners’

- Jegede

When it comes to fights between political figures in Nigeria, anyone interested in safety and security better keep their distance. Otherwise, there would be fired bullets that would suddenly lob themselves into the teeth of overly concerned onlookers. Consider the case of Governor Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State and the 2019 Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorsh­ip aspirant, Eyitayo Jegede. After so long, they are still hard at the battle, throwing the occasional invective towards the direction of each other.

Jegede has once again visited his proverbial shrine to take a shot at his erstwhile political rival, Akeredolu. Speaking during a radio programme, Jegede explained in that titillatin­g fashion of his that Akeredolu was getting worse with age at managing the affairs of Ondo. Specifical­ly, Jegede said that Ondo was getting worse under the government of Akeredolu, and this has been the case for six years now.

Based on the accusation­s presented by Jegede against Akeredolu, access to basic amenities in Ondo has become one of the glories of the past. The same is true for good roads, free medical services, and many other necessitie­s for which a people would choose a government to serve them. Jegede noted that this was not the case when his party, PDP, was in power.

Never one to take a blow lying down, Akeredolu responded to Jegede’s criticism. According to him, Jegede is a victim of self-imposed ignorance and self-inflicted bitterness. Akeredolu then went on to highlight some of his doings in Ondo during the six years that Jegede mentioned, pointing out completed roads, among other accomplish­ments.

Akeredolu and Jegede’s bout of mercurial exchange is nothing new. Every time there is a need for either to speak and the other would certainly hear of it, invectives would be fired and egos would be bruised. So, for men that are long past their teenage years, both Akeredolu and Jegede still have a lot of hot blood coursing through their veins.

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