Nigeria needs an NSA who possesses expertise in statecraft, public policy, internal security, and law enforcemen­t, argues

- ABDULRAHMA­N USMAN LEME Leme, a project management and developmen­t consultant, writes from Abuja

With President Muhammadu Buhari’s tenure coming to a close next week, discussion­s regarding the compositio­n of WKH QH[W JRYHUQPHQW KDYH JDLQHG VLJQLÀFDQW DWWHQWLRQ $PRQJ WKH R΀FHV WKDW KDYH VSDUNHG LQWHQVH GHEDWHV LV WKH 2΀FH RI WKH National Security Adviser (ONSA), and understand­ably so. The militariza­tion of this R΀FH SDUWLFXODU­O\ LQ D GHPRFUDWLF VHWWLQJ has raised curiosity among Nigerians. This FXULRVLW\ KDV LQWHQVLÀHG DV WKH SRVVLELOLW\ RI having a non-military NSA has emerged as a prominent topic of discussion.

But the idea of a non-military NSA isn’t VRPH ÀJPHQW RI D FLWL]HQ·V LPDJLQDWLR­Q even though not many Nigerians are aware that policemen had been in control of ONSA. Under the military government of General Ibrahim Babangida, Gambo Jimeta, a former Inspector-General of Police, served as the NSA. Aliyu Isma’ila Gwarzo, a retired Assistant Inspector-General of Police (AIG), served under both civilian and PLOLWDU\ OHDGHUVKLS ÀUVW XQGHU &KLHI (UQHVW Shonekan and then General Sani Abacha. Their essence was their understand­ing of the intricate relationsh­ip between the civilian and military spheres, and they stood out due to their recognitio­n of the diverse range of challenges that undermined national security, necessitat­ing solutions encompassi­ng economic, psychologi­cal, and social factors.

The NSA is a direct link between the president and the people. He’s the president’s eyes, and the National Security Agencies Act of 1986 undermined that. The Act dissolved the Nigerian Security Organisati­on and establishe­d, in its place, three security agencies—the Defence Intelligen­ce Agency, the National Intelligen­ce Agency, and the State Security Service, granting the President WKH DXWKRULW\ WR DSSRLQW D &RRUGLQDWRU on National Security and transferri­ng the IXQFWLRQV RI WKH &RRUGLQDWRU WR WKH 1DWLRQDO Security Adviser.

Nigerians are right to be interested in who becomes the next NSA, knowing that the nation’s current biggest threats aren’t external aggression­s. Nigerians are at the mercy of internal security collapses that require much more than bigger guns to dispel. The country needs big brains and ideas to establish the FDXVHV RI WKH FRQÁLFWV DQG JHW WKH SUHVLGHQW WR approve solutions that aren’t akin to pouring water into a basket.

American policymake­rs and security specialist­s, whose style of democracy we practice, have always known this cheat code for preserving their national security. It’s unsurprisi­ng that they have, in the role of National Security Advisor, a Yaletraine­d civilian lawyer, Jake Sullivan. His predecesso­r too was a political scientistt­urned-lawyer. The role has successive­ly been held by civilians with a nuanced and intellectu­al understand­ing of the complex realities that undermine national security, DQG WKH GLͿHUHQFH EHWZHHQ WKHP DQG XV LV clear. practice of appointing non-military security insiders and analysts is a tested cheat code. ,Q (J\SW )DL]D $ERX HO 1DJD VHUYHG DV a minister of planning and internatio­nal cooperatio­n under Hosni Mubarak before she became National Security Advisor under 3UHVLGHQW $EGHO )DWWDK HO 6LVL DQG LW GLGQ·W matter that her principal had even risen to the topmost position in the military and had even served as minister of defense and KHDGHG (J\SW·V PLOLWDU\ LQWHOOLJHQ­FH

7KH FKRLFH RI DQ 16$ VKRXOG UHÁHFW WKH realities of a country, and it makes sense to settle for one with an understand­ing of the socio-cultural and political determinan­ts of FRQÁLFWV LQ FRXQWULHV XQGHUPLQHG E\ LQWHUQDO security. An NSA isn’t a combatant. Their power is the ability to analyze trends and intelligen­ce to predict the state of security in the nation, and this requires intellectu­al and sociologic­al sophistica­tion to achieve.

The NSA doesn’t only sit on a trove of intelligen­ce; they oversee the intelligen­ce activities of the agencies listed in their (VWDEOLVKPH­QW $FW 7KLV LV ZK\ VXFFHVVLYH presidents prefer an NSA whose unwavering patriotism is unquestion­able and who possesses a deep understand­ing of the nation’s internal security challenges. But unless we move away from excessive militariza­tion of the NSA—especially in a country where the military is reduced to taking responsibi­lities under the jurisdicti­on RI WKH 1LJHULDQ 3ROLFH )RUFH³WKLV UROH LV going to remain under-utilized.

The proponents of military control over ONSA have failed to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. The fact that Nigeria’s security challenges haven’t yielded the expected results shows that there is an immediate need for a change in the rules of engagement, and it’s reassuring that Nigerians have reached a point where they see the wisdom of having a non-military NSA.

:KHWKHU ZH H[DPLQH WKH LQHͿHFWLYH­QHVV of military solutions to our national security challenges or the allegation­s of corruption prevalent within the military establishm­ent, LW LV HYLGHQW WKDW 1LJHULD ÀQGV LWVHOI LQ extraordin­ary security circumstan­ces that demand unconventi­onal measures. It requires a highly experience­d and versatile individual from outside the military to rescue ONSA from internal conspiraci­es.

In August 2020, a coalition of civil society RUJDQL]DWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ WKH $IULFDQ &HQWUH for Good Governance, Social Justice and Regional Security Initiative, and People United for Peace, Security, and Democracy in Nigeria, advocated for the appointmen­t of a non-military NSA. They argued that Nigeria needs an NSA who possesses expertise in statecraft, public policy, internal security, and law enforcemen­t to transform the negative security narrative of the country. They further emphasized that the practice of appointing NSAs exclusivel­y from a military background neglects the fact that the military represents only a fraction of the country’s population. Shifting this paradigm and appointing an NSA from the civilian majority is essential.

Undoubtedl­y, the Nigerian military has been stretched thin and forced to assume the role of the police, particular­ly in addressing internal security issues. This mindset needs WR FKDQJH LI ZH DUH WR HͿHFWLYHO\ DOORFDWH our military and paramilita­ry resources. )RUWXQDWHO\ WKH QH[W OHDGHUV RI 1LJHULD Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Senator Kashim Shettima, are both civilians who have successful­ly implemente­d security interventi­ons during their time as governors.

)RU LQVWDQFH 7LQXEX HVWDEOLVKH­G LQQRYDWLYH initiative­s such as the Lagos Rapid Response 6TXDG ZKLFK VLJQLÀFDQW­O\ UHGXFHG FULPH in Lagos State. Shettima, on the other hand, utilized civilian vigilante networks to combat crime and terrorist attacks in Borno State. Their accomplish­ments demonstrat­e that HYHQ D VHDVRQHG PLOLWDU\ OHDGHU FDQQRW À[ D system intentiona­lly designed to achieve the people’s desired objectives but has instead become a breeding ground for public sector corruption. What Nigeria truly needs is a bold visionary who can disrupt the culture RI ZDU SURÀWHHULQ­J DQG VHOI VHUYLQJ DJHQGDV 'HPLOLWDUL]LQJ 216$ LV WKH ÀUVW SUDJPDWLF step forward in this direction.

An NSA isn’t a combatant. Their power is the ability to analyze trends and intelligen­ce to predict the state of security in the nation, and this requires intellectu­al and sociologic­al sophistica­tion to achieve

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