- Daniel Ighakpe, Festac Town, Lagos

“And there will be enough . . . milk to feed you, To feed your household, and to sustain your servant girls.” – Proverbs 27:27.

$ KHDOWK\ GULQN ² PLON LV WKH ÀUVW IRRG ZH FRQVXPH ZKHQ ZH are born. Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants during WKHLU ÀUVW PRQWKV RI OLIH &KLOGUHQ DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR GULQN XS WKHLU milk so that they can grow up big and strong. Do we, however, tend to stop drinking this nutritious beverage, milk, as we grow older? Even as adults, should we still drink milk?

)RU GHFDGHV VFLHQWLÀF UHVHDUFK KDV FRQWLQXHG WR HPSKDVL]H the importance of maintainin­g bone health as we age. Gradually throughout our lives, our bones are constantly changing. Hence, when our intake of Calcium-rich foods is low, our body ‘steals’ the Calcium it needs from our bones – which can cause them to become porous and weak. In Nigeria, bone diseases are quite common. Just as an example: according to data, more than 1.5 million cases of Osteoporos­is are diagnosed in Nigeria every year! Osteoporos­is refers to a condition in which bones become weak and brittle, and bone loss occurs without symptoms. Consequent­ly, most people are unaware of their deteriorat­ing bone health.

However, the good news is that drinking milk regularly can help prevent Osteoporos­is and bone fractures and even help you maintain a healthy weight. This delicious beverage – milk, has always been a healthy drink because it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrients which are usually under-consumed by many people.

However, although milk is a good choice for many, some people cannot tolerate it because they are unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products (dairy products are products containing or made from milk). It is suggested that such people stick to unsweetene­d varieties of milk, to limit the amount of added sugar in their diet. Some examples of non-dairy milk alternativ­es include: soymilk, oat milk, almond milk, and more.

For those able to tolerate milk, however, consuming high-quality milk and dairy products has been proven to provide a number


One, good for bones. Milk is the topmost food source of Calcium and Vitamin D for children and adults. Calcium is an essential nutrient for strong bones, muscle movement and nerve signals. Vitamin D increases the body’s ability to absorb Calcium. Sunlight is an excellent source of Vitamin D. Other sources of Vitamin D inFOXGH HJJV VDOPRQ PXVKURRPV IRUWLÀHG PLON DQG VRPH \RJXUWV

Two, it helps in building strong teeth: Milk strengthen­s our teeth because it contains a high amount of Calcium. Lactose also helps prevent cavities and tooth decay.

Three, it promotes muscle health: Drinking milk is associated with a lower risk of age-related muscle loss. Also, several studies have demonstrat­ed that drinking milk after a workout can decrease muscle damage, promote muscle repair, increase strength and decrease muscle soreness. Four, rich in protein: Your body requires proteins that can help in cell repair and boosting a person’s immunity.

Five, it promotes heart health: The Potassium in milk may help with heart health. Getting more Potassium while also reducing Sodium (salt) intake can lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Six, it reduces depression: A quote by one Nischita Nibedita says: “A glass of MILK a day keeps black thoughts away.” Yes, adequate levels of Vitamin D in milk supports the production of Serotonin, a hormone people associate with mood, appetite and sleep. Manufactur­ers often fortify cow’s milk and plant milk with Vitamin D. So, this can help to reduce depression.

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