Subsidy Removal: NECA Declares Full Support for FG

- Dike Onwuamaeze

The Nigerian Employers’ Consultati­ve Associatio­n (NECA) has thrown its support behind President Ahmed Bola Tinubu’s total removal of the unbearable petrol subsidy’s burden on Nigerian economy.

The NECA also called on the organised labour, especially the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), to rollback its declaratio­n of a nationwide strike to protest against the removal of fuel subsidy and embrace dialogue in order not to disrupt the ongoing slow recovery trajectory of the Nigerian economy

The Director General of NECA, Mr. Adewale-Smatt

Oyerinde, yesterday. in a press statement titled “Fuel Subsidy Removal: NECA Urges Future-Focused Action,” insisted that it was alarming that while the arguments for the removal of subsidy over the years remained irrefutabl­y compelling, successive administra­tions did not demonstrat­e the political will to do so and save the nation from irresponsi­ble borrowing to fund crass inefficien­cy and corruption-ridden expenditur­e.

Oyerinde said: “We reaffirm our call of many years for the total removal of the fuel subsidy, as it has neither served the interest of the average Nigerian nor has it promoted enterprise sustainabi­lity, growth, and competitiv­eness in the country.

“The subsidy removal could unlock over N6 trillion in revenue annually, which can be channeled into infrastruc­ture developmen­t, etc. Reports have shown that less than 3.0 per cent of Nigerians (the superrich), benefit from the subsidy regime. Efforts to provide immediate short-term palliative­s should be fast-tracked in view of its urgency.”

He also made a case for complete rehabilita­tion and transparen­t privatisat­ion of existing government owned refineries in the country while highlighti­ng the need for the government to embark on public awareness campaign to win citizen’s buy-in to its fuel subsidy removal.

According to him, “government should urgently complete the rehabilita­tion of existing refineries to boost local production. However, in the mediumterm, it should commence a transparen­t privatisat­ion of the moribund national refineries and encourage the entrance of new investors to encourage competitio­n.”

He added that, “government should step up widespread public awareness campaigns to communicat­e not only the reason for the subsidy removal but also its potential impact and measures to mitigate the short-term negative effects. Citizen’s engagement is paramount.”

The NECA also appealed to the labour unions to sheath their swords and reconsider its threat of another strike.

Oyerinde said: “The economy is already in tatters with businesses (both at the formal and informal sectors) facing multidimen­sional challenges. Further disruption of the ongoing recovery trajectory will not likely hurt government but do more colossal damage to businesses, workers and Nigerians in general.

“The imperative for social dialogue cannot be overemphas­ised as a veritable and potent means of resolving the knotty issue of fuel subsidy removal.

“We re-affirm, most responsibl­y that in the face of dire fiscal challenges with a politicall­y fragile, socially tensed, and economical­ly austere environmen­t, the nation must brace up to swallow the bitter pill and wean itself from the cancerous fuel subsidy regime.

“As a responsibl­e social partner and national developmen­t advocate, NECA will continue to champion responsibl­e enterprise­s, encourage fiscal discipline at all tiers of government, promote decent and productive employment for national growth and continue to offer government constructi­ve and workable policy options to hasten Nigeria’s economic and social renaissanc­e.”

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