INEC: We Do Not Recognise Labour Party’s National Convention Held in Anambra State

Says frequent changes in venue marred requisite 21 days notice Party leadership denies existence of BoT

- Chuks Okocha, Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja and Adibe Emenyonu in Benin City

The Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC), yesterday, disassocia­ted itself from the Labour Party (LP)’s National Convention held in Nnewi, Anambra State on Wednesday.

The commission claimed that the frequent changes in choice of venue affected the observatio­n of the requisite 21 days notice to monitor the exercise.

This, nonetheles­s, the party leadership has dismissed the news of takeover of the party by the Board of Trustees, stating it had no informatio­n or knowledge of such body.

It described SOZ Ejiofor as a paid agent of the President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Joe Ajaero.

THISDAY gathered that the party had notified INEC of its convention holding in Benin, and later to Umuahia before moving to Nnewi.

The commission was therefore unable to monitor the convention due to to frequent changes of the venue of the convention­al.

A source at INEC claim that the commission was not involved in the convention hence, could not acknowledg­e it.

But the embattled national chairman of the party, Julius Abure, was re-elected as chairman of the party during the Nnewi convention.

Speaking to newsmen before the convention, the LP National Legal Adviser, Kehinde Edun, claimed the party’s executive had duly informed INEC about the change in venue and date.

But the commission faulted the claim due to frequent shift in venue and non adherence to the 21 days notice.

When asked of the actual venue of the convention, Edun said, “No, it is holding in Anambra. Nnewi to be precise, not Umuahia in Abia State again. In fact, Umuahia was not even the first venue we chose.

“Benin was the first choice before we changed to Umuahia and now Nnewi. So, we are at liberty to pick any venue of our choice. We only need to inform INEC about the change in venue and the time.”

Section 82(1) of the Electoral Act, 2022 states that political parties shall give INEC at least 21 days notice of convention, congress, conference or meeting.

"This includes the convention or meeting convened for the purpose of ‘merger’ and electing members of its executive committees, and other governing bodies or nominating candidates," he said.

Meanwhile, the Abure-led party, in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Obiora Ifoh, has said, "Despite this huge success, It came to the leadership of the party as a huge surprise of a statement trending in the social media purportedl­y from one Comrade SOZ Ejiofor on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the party claiming that he has taken over the leadership of the party.

"Amusing as that will sound, but with the greatest respect to the former leader of the party, we sympathise with the Comrade, who has since left the political scene more than a decade ago only to be energised, briefed and drafted into this unnecessar­y tussle by the disgruntle­d elements in the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC.

"First, ever since Ejiofor stepped down as the first National chairman of the Labour Party over two decades ago, he has neither attended any meeting or played any noticeable role as a member of the party.

“He is not even known in his ward and has not paid a single dime as membership dues which qualifies him as a member. It is surprising therefore that after he was ‘visited’ by some leaders of NLC, he suddenly woke up from his slumber.

"The point here is that the Labour Party is not aware of the existence of any Board of Trustees. Recall that NLC has continued to propose for the reconstitu­tion of the BoT as well as the convocatio­n of the National Convention.

“Over 90 percent of persons being suggested to form membership of the proposed BoT have since left the party to join other political parties, some even contested various political positions on the platform of other political parties while some others featured prominentl­y in the presidenti­al campaigns of the other political parties even when Labour Party equally featured a candidate in the 2023 general election.

"This is what desperatio­n in the ranks of the NLC can cause. Why not let the man enjoy his retirement, why drag him into your mess. Let Comrade Ejiofor show evidence of one meeting he convened in the last one decade of his so-called BoT.

"Enough of all these political muscle flexing, Barrister Julius Abure has just been elected by the convention for the first time as the National Chairman of the Labour Party, we urge our detractors to please sheathe the sword and join us to salvage the nation," he explained.

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