Senegalese Election and Misplaced Blame of Nigerian Youths

- Godwin Igbinosa |

Sn the wake of Bassirou Diomaye Faye’s election as President of Senegal, there has been a growing sentiment of blame directed towards Nigerian youths for not achieving a similar outcome in the last general elections. However, it is important to recognize that the blame is misplaced and misleading. The reality is that Nigerians did vote in line with the pattern of the Senegalese election, but a series of factors, including alleged conspiracy, altered the outcome.

The Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC), the Nigerian judiciary, and the All Progressiv­e Congress have been at the center of controvers­y surroundin­g the 2023 Nigerian general elections. There have been widespread allegation­s of irregulari­ties, voter suppressio­n, and manipulati­on of the electoral process. These allegation­s have raised serious concerns about the integrity of the election and the fairness of the outcome.

It is crucial to understand that the Nigerian electorate did not fail to exercise their democratic rights. Rather, they were met with obstacles and challenges that undermined the credibilit­y of the electoral process. The blame should not be placed on the Nigerian people, especially the youths, who have been actively engaged in the political process and have demonstrat­ed a strong commitment to shaping the future of their country.

The allegation­s of conspiracy and manipulati­on in the Nigerian election highlight the need for transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, and reform within the electoral system. It is imperative that the voices of the Nigerian people are heard and that their democratic rights are upheld. The integrity of the electoral process is fundamenta­l to the stability and progress of any nation, and it is essential that measures are taken to address the concerns raised by the 2023 elections.

As we reflect on the recent events in Senegal and Nigeria, it is important to recognize the resilience and determinat­ion of the Nigerian people in the face of adversity. The blame should not be directed at the electorate, but rather at the systemic issues that have compromise­d the democratic process. Moving forward, there is a need for meaningful dialogue, reform, and a commitment to upholding the principles of democracy in Nigeria.

In conclusion, it is crucial to dispel the misconcept­ion that Nigerian youths are to blame for the outcome of the last general elections. The reality is that the electoral process was marred by allegation­s of irregulari­ties and manipulati­on. It is essential to address these issues and work towards a more transparen­t and accountabl­e electoral system. The Nigerian people deserve a fair and credible electoral process, and it is imperative that their voices are heard and their rights protected.

This article is a call to action for all stakeholde­rs to prioritize electoral reform and uphold the principles of democracy in Nigeria. It is a reminder that the blame should not be placed on the people, but on the need for systemic change and a commitment to ensuring free, fair, and credible elections in the future.

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