EFCC Withdraws Appeal against Temporary Order Stopping Bello’s Arrest

Bwala: Media trial will pave way for his escape

- Alex Enumah in Abuja and Emma Okonji in Lagos

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has withdrawn its appeal at the Abuja division of the Court of Appeal, challengin­g the temporary order restrainin­g it from arresting the immediate past governor of Kogi State, Mr Yahaya Bello, over alleged money laundering offence.

This was as a legal practition­er, Daniel Bwala, has blamed the commission for behaving like a prosecutor and judge in the case of Bello, saying media trial could pave the way for his escape.

The Notice of Withdrawal, cited by THISDAY was dated April 22, and signed by one of the Commission's lawyer, Jibrin Okutepa, SAN.

Hearing in the appeal on Monday, did not go on due to the ongoing judges conference in Abuja.

EFCC had gone to the appellate court to seek an order staying the exparte order issued by Justice Isa Abdullahi as well as appealing the ruling.

However, on the said date the hearing was supposed to come up, the anti-graft agency applied to the court to withdraw the appeal.

The applicant predicated its action on the grounds that event had already overtaken the appeal.

The Notice of Withdrawal read in part: “This honourable court take notice that the appellant herein intends to and do hereby wholly withdraw her appeal against the respondent in the above mentioned appeal.

“This notice of withdrawal is predicated on the fact that; on April 17, 2024, the applicatio­n filed by the appellant herein was overtaken by the decision of the same High Court of Kogi State in the case of Alhaji Yahaya Bello vs, EFCC-Suit No: HCL/68M/2024 Per A.I Jamil.

"The orders made ex-parte by Jamil on the February 9, 2024 in the said suit which is the subject of this appeal, was made to last pending the hearing and determinat­ion of the Originatin­g Motion on Notice which was finally determined by Jamil J. on April 17, 2024.

"Furthermor­e, the notice of appeal was filed out of time and we therefore pray that the appeal be struck out for being filed out of time and incompeten­t. Dated this April 22, 2024."

Following the withdrawal of the appeal against the exparte order, it is expected that the Commission would now file an appeal against the substantiv­e judgement.

Bwala: Media Trial Will Pave Way for Bello’s Escape

A legal practition­er, Daniel Bwala has blamed the EFCC for behaving like a prosecutor and judge in the case of Yahaya Bello.

According to him, his attempted arrest by the EFCC, coupled with the media trial would pave the way for him to escape and relocate to other country.

Bwala, who spoke yesterday on the Morning Show of ARISE News Channels, said the several press conference­s organised by EFCC to explain why the anti-graft commission was hunting Bello without him present at such press conference­s, amounted to media trial.

According to him, Nigerians were asking whether the EFCC actually intended to prosecute Bello or it was indirectly giving opportunit­y for the accused to escape before legal trail in a competent court.

“EFCC's approach to arrest and prosecute Bello had always been the same approach for all criminal cases brought against some persons in the past, which have led to EFCC losing high profile cases in the past,” Bwala said.

He condemned the recent press conference organised by the EFCC to give the public some details about the planned arrest and prosecutio­n of the former Kogi State governor, insisting that the media conference was a plan to offer Bello an escape route.

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