Makinde to National Assembly: Let Constituti­on Amendments Strengthen Democracy, Unite Nigeria

- Kemi Olaitan

Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, yesterday, charged members of the National Assembly Joint Committee on Electoral Matters, to recommend amendments that will strengthen the nation’s democracy and unite the country.

The governor, who gave this charge while playing host to the federal legislator­s at the Executive Chamber of the Governor’s Office in Ibadan, added that Nigerians must be made to have confidence in the nation’s democracy and participat­e in it.

The committee was in Oyo State to consult with stakeholde­rs on proposed constituti­on amendments.

While encouragin­g them to be openminded about their task, Governor Makinde said, “I have seen people who were given the opportunit­y to change the trajectory of the nation but because of selfishnes­s and personal interest they missed the road. Who knows who is going to be here tomorrow? Whatever you do, do it in the wider interest of the country; the unity of Nigeria is sacrosanct. A united Nigeria is the route to go.”

He stressed that the committee’s task is big and foundation­al because participat­ory democracy means that the laws have to be reviewed regularly to meet the needs of the times.

He added that the nation has to ensure that the outcome of an election reflects substantia­lly the wishes of the people so as to stop the tradition of litigation after every election cycle.

The governor said, “Why do people go to court after an election? It is because they feel cheated. If you open up the space and you have transparen­cy, nobody will go to court.”

He added, “Now that our democracy seems to be holding, because since independen­ce this is our longest democratic experience, it is our responsibi­lity as leaders to deepen the democracy.”

He lauded the committee for taking time out to seek the views of young people and women, adding that youths must be encouraged to play pivotal roles in shaping the country’s future.

Makinde, who stated that young people would always have his support, noted that many of the nation’s pre-independen­ce and First Republic leaders assumed positions of authority in their 40s.

He assured the committee of the support of his administra­tion to ensure its success, adding that the committee’s success would have an effect on the nation’s democratic experience.

Speaking earlier, Chairman of the House of Representa­tives Committee on Electoral Matters, Hon. Adebayo

Balogun, lauded the governor for being a supporter of youths, adding that given the governor’s stance on youths, there was no better place to kick-start the committee’s consultati­on than Oyo State because of the committee’s interest in inclusion.

He said the Joint Committee is looking at coming up with a legislatio­n that would ensure that all litigation­s are laid to rest before an elected person is sworn into office.

Speaking in a similar vein, Senator Sharafadee­n Alli, Chairman, Senate Committee on Electoral Matters and leader of the delegation, said the Joint Committee would be in all the zones of the country to ensure that the views of Nigerians are captured in the amendments.

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