Prime Video Makes U-Turn, Inaugurate­s New Nollywood Movies

- Ferdinand Ekechukwu

Months after Amazon Prime Video announced it’s undergoing a strategic shift in its internatio­nal operations that will see it restructur­e its business plans, direct attention to focus majorly on European original contents, the streamer appears to have made a U-turn following a new slate of original Nollywood movies it recently commission­ed. 7KRXJK WKH UHVWUXFWXU­LQJ GLG QRW DͿHFW pre-existing content already approved or contracted, the American streaming service had ceased commission­ing original content in Africa, the Middle East, and North Africa. As exclusivel­y gathered, aside the newly commission­ed movies, the platform acquired a number of exciting Nollywood titles.

Prime Video had in January 2024, downsized and reduced funding and resources allocated to Africa and the Middle East, concentrat­ing on its European originals. By implicatio­n, the streaming platform halted new original content in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Its earlier funded original Nigerian contents include ‘Gangs of Lagos’, ‘She Must Be Obeyed’ and ‘LOL: Laugh Out Loud’, and the last, %UHDWK RI /LIH $V SDUW RI HͿRUWV WR EXR\ LWV new slate of Nollywood contents, the recent GHYHORSPHQ­W ZLOO VHH ÀOPPDNHU -DGH 2VLEHUX GHOLYHU RQ LWV WZR RXWVWDQGLQ­J ÀOPV ZKLFK was part of initial deal signed with the Prime Video.

Having commenced operations in Africa in 2016 and in Nigeria in 2021, its decision was hinged on plans to make adjustment­s that will LPSDFW ERWK FRQWHQW RͿHULQJV DQG SHUVRQQHO in the African and Middle Eastern Region. It was also gathered that the platform simply wanted to get rid of ‘unproducti­ve’ Nigerian team it had hired as part of restructur­ing.

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