Ogun Declares 16 LGs Flood Prone in 2024, Warns Residents

- James Sowole in Abeokuta

Sixteen out of the 20 local government areas of Ogun State have been declared as being prone to flood as rainfall for the year 2024 is expected to start fully soon.

The government therefore warned residents living in those areas identified and others not mentioned, to temporaril­y relocate to safer areas to avoid flooding disaster.

The warning is coming following the 2024 annual flood outlook released by the Nigeria Meteorolog­ical Agency (NiMET) and the Nigeria Hydrologic­al Services Agency (NIHSA).

According to the report, Ogun state is expecting an average rainfall of 1,786.5mm for a period of 239 days this year. The Commission­er for

Environmen­t, Ola Oresanya, gave the warning, while addressing journalist­s in Abeokuta during the 4th Ogun State flood alert for 2024.

Some Ogun communitie­s such as Isheri, Sagamu, Abeokuta, Ilaro, Agbara and others witnessed heavy flooding that claimed livestock and properties last year.

Oresanya said: "Of the 20 local government areas of the state, 16 are expected to have highest rainfall with over 1,700mm, while those with lowest rainfall are Imeko Afon (1541mm) Odeda (1658mm), Abeokuta North (1675mm) and Abeokuta -South(1699mm).

"Due to this prediction, residents living on wetland areas of the state are advised to relocate to a safer ground or create higher elevation within their residence before the rain commences fully.

“For agricultur­al purposes, the length of the growing season for the coastal areas of the season ranges between 250 to 292 days while that of inland areas is between 200 to 250 days".

Oresanya revealed that the state government has increased its effort it in combating the threat of flooding by building 2,975.6 metres of mini bridges and culverts, clearing and desilting 56,150 metres of river and stream courses and desilting 40,000 metres of drainage channel across the three senatorial districts.

Some of the areas include: Constructi­on of drainage channel and culverts at Wesley Primary School, Ijebu-Ode, reconstruc­tion of dilapidate­d culvert at Saje Dumpsite road, Apakila (Abeokuta), Igbosoro (Ogijo, Sagamu LGA), Imasai.

Others include the desilting of rivers/stream courses at Yemule (Ijebu-Ode), Sensen river (Sagamu), Onibuku (Ota), Ode-Funfun (OjaOdan), Opa Are (Isheri), Sekari river and tributarie­s while desilting of drainages channel will take place at Abeokuta, Ifo, Ijebu-Ode, Sagamu, Ilaro, Ota among others.

He urged residents to remain calm, adding that the state government, would continue to work productive­ly with the management of the OgunOsun River Basin Developmen­t Authority to regulate the discharge of water from the two dams, Ikere Gorge Dam located on Ogun River and Oyan Dam.

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